
Are mums getting more overprotective allowing bad behavior in our schools?

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Why is it that most mums now are so ready to complain about anything at schools these days? Kids are getting away with murder at school and parents keep depending the bad behaviour? Anyone got any storys relating to this?




  1. I've been teaching 7 years and I have noticed that very pattern.  I have also noticed that, most of the time, it is the single parent who does this.

    If you ask me, it has to do with guilt.  They feel guilty that they don't spend more time with their kids because they have to work.  So they let the kid get away with anything and spoil the kid.

    Therefore, when the kid is given a consequence at school for a wrongdoing, the parent jumps to the kid's defense.

  2. This subject is so broad.  First of all, kids are much worse in school than most people would even believe.  I am a substitute and a parent.  I seriously am shocked at what schools allow kids to get away with as "normal behavior".  Boils down to lack of administration creating lack of respect!

  3. This does happen at our school. They still are punished for their behavior but as the principle says what good is the punishment if the parent says you didn't do it or don't worry about it. For those kids they use recess detention and indoor suspension.

    The principle is very good and listen to all parents and investigates. Trys to show the parents. Have all the teachers involved in meetings. The sad thing is the parents usually come in and complain but refuse to show up at any meetings.

    I think kids are getting out of control. I do not accept bad behavoir from my kids. You know what your kids will and won't do. I tell them if anything happens you tell me no matter what. We can work out anything but if you lie you will be punished. I talk to them when I fell they have done something not nice. Try to use examples to show them.

    Teachers need more control but everyone has to be involved with there kids. There is always a way. This morning a 11 year old girl came to our door to get my daughter for school to walk together. It was way to early for school. Her brother was yelling at her to walk with him and she told him no. I questioned her about it and she said she didn't have to walk with him. I told her that he was her brother and they are suppose to look out for each other because that is what families do. She went to walk with him. Left nicely. This has happened a few times. Sometimes she comes 1 hour before school. Obivously this is a parent who doesn't get involved with her child and what they do. But I have seen her at school to complain and the child tell my daughter who cares I am not getting in trouble with my Mom. That is another major problem today. As long as kids don't interfer with the parents life then they don't bother. When there is a problem the parent goes in yelling and truly has no ideal what is going on with there child. If they aren't bothering them they pay no attention to them. Then they think there child is really good and they truly aren't. They just don't see what there child does.

  4. I suggest you re read what you have posted because it makes no sense...I think your spelling needs a look at.

  5. yeah, my parents are school administrators and you would not believe the stories about parents threatening to sue because their child is going to fail a class for cheating on the exam, etc.

    that kind of thing does kids no favors, i'll tell you that much.

  6. Your observation seems to go right along with mine.  My husband went to college to become an elementry teacher. When he did his student teaching near the end, he was amazed with how little power he had over the children who simply didn't want to follow the rules.  He literally could not lay a hand on them.  What I mean by that is that he could not even lead them by the arm, to take him/her to the principal's office.  Raising his voice could prove trouble, too.  He was left just telling the child to see the principal.  The child would be excited to leave the room.  Meanwhile the child would actually threaten him by saying he can be sued for "harrassment .  My husband was amazed on how terrible this class was and you know what?  He got his degree and chose not to teach.  The biggest factor in his decision were the parents of these children.  They were unreasonable when trying to talk with them about their child and were just as nasty as the children themselves.  Incredible, right?  These kids know what they can get away with, and some of them really take advantage of it.  I think things should go back to the way it used to be, and that paddle that hung on the wall in the principal's office ought to be put back there.  Call me crazy, but some of these nasty kids might shape up quickly.

  7. I don't put up with bad behavior from my daughter at school.  I have told her that there are 30 kids in the class the teacher doesn't have time to put up with brats.  She gets in more trouble for misbehaving at school than bringing home a bad grade.  Make no mistake she gets in trouble for both.

  8. there's a rumor on the internet saying bullies are problems everywhere!! thats why

  9. I know, kids at my school are all breaking the fine line between suspension and explulsion.

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