
Are murtads the victims of tyranic (un)Islamic <span title="rulers/authorities/communities/parents?">rulers/authorities/commun...</span> ?

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Are murtads the victims of tyranic (un)Islamic rulers/authorities/commun... ?




  1. there is no such thing in islam. this thing is based on some corrupt hadith. where as God in Quran said

    chapter cow 2:256

    “There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way”

    Is there any more calrification needed after reading the above verses?

    one more verses of Quran which tells us about murtad. but even in this verses god didnt asked to kill him.

    Surah An-Nisa&#039;, 4:137-138, state that &quot;Verily, those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe again, then disbelieve, and then increase in their disbelief - Allah will never forgive them nor guide them to the path.

    Give to the hypocrites the tidings that there is for them a painful torment.&quot;

    Those who advocate the death penalty for apostasy based their reasoning on a hadith which proclaims, &quot;kill whoever changes his religion&quot;. But this hadith is open to varying interpretations on several grounds.

    First, this hadith is considered a weak hadith with just a single isnad (this means there is only one chain of transmission or narration) and thus according to the rules of Islamic jurisprudence, it is not enough to validate the death penalty.

    So can u please advice us, should we follow Quran which is more authenticable and more reliable or should we follow any a baseless hadith which don’t have any proof of its authenticity?

    one more thing Islam is not like an Italian mafia that exit door is not available. Islam promote peace and love and not haterd

  2. No.

  3. they r victims of their selves

    take it that way

  4. I didn&#039;t understand  

  5. no they are &quot;victims&quot; of enlightenment

  6. Then you should wonder why some were killed even under Muhammad&#039;s rule.

  7. No they are not victims, They are fools who are brainwashed by Islam Haters.

    If they spent more time on educating themselves about Islam , they wouldn&#039;t become fools and lost this life and the after life.

    They lost everything just because they didn&#039;t read about Islam well.

    What a Loss... May Allah guide them

  8. They are victims of their own thinking and their own choices.

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