
Are mushrooms animal or plant?

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I have read that biologist say they are closer to animal, please answer.




  1. well.. meat doesnt shrivel up to 1/10th of its size when cooked and meat rots alot quicker. and doesnt have blood either.. hmm

  2. Just because they're CLOSER to animal does not make them animal.  They're plants, dude!

  3. THEY ARE NOT A PLANT! They are in their own phylum which branches off of ANIMALS! They have a chemical compound called chitin, which is also in crustacean shells. Some botanists believe this is a link between animals and fungi. Some botanists actually believe we evolved from fungus.

    By the way, not all plants photosynthesize. Google snowplants. They are really trippy.

  4. Plant.  They are fungii.

  5. When I was in high school, they were plants.

    Now there are more than two kingdoms of living things, and Fungus are their own category.

    There are Plants, Animals, Fungus... and a couple other kingdoms now.

    "Currently, textbooks from the United States use a system of six kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, and Eubacteria), while British and Australian textbooks describe five kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Prokaryota or Monera)."

  6. Plant.  If it was animal then vegetarians wouldn't eat them.

  7. Neither. They are in the Fungi kingdom, not the Plant or Animal Kingdom.

  8. Mushrooms are a plant. Typically a Fungi type.

    In my opinion, since fungi are parasites, they stick on other organisms and gain nutrients from there. Fungi survive without the need of photosynthesis (which all plants normally do).

    However, here's a contradicting point, fungi reproduce through spores, which many plants typically ferns also reproduce the same way.

    So, here we have 2 opposite reasonings. However, I still consider mushrooms to be a plant (Because some mushrooms, especially portobellos and shitakes are just uber delicious! And I am a vegan ) with a characteristic of an animal. How does that sound? *Yummy* =)

    -I had fun answering this. Thank you for such question.

  9. They are Fungi, which is like a type of mold. Which most resembles a plant.

  10. I have asked this many of time... There is part of its DNA that shows it is an anmial, but because of the fact that it doesnt have any characteristics and grows like a plant, this suggest its a sort of fungi.   So scientists are still experimenting to discover this... im sure other people have there opinions.


  11. Are you serious? Definitely plant.

  12. They are neither.

    They have their own kingdom. They were thought to be close to plants but not any more.

  13. omg. mushrooms are plants. when was the last time you saw a muchroom walking down the street?

  14. I am going with the answer neither.  They are a spore.

  15. They're fungi, neither animals or plants, but I think they get shoehorned into botany when it comes to the rules concerning naming them.

  16. They fall under the classification of Fungi

  17. They are botanical entities hence plants but really fungus!

  18. Neither a plant, nor an animal. It's a Fungi.

  19. They are fungi, a kingdom of life more closely related to animals than plants. Mushrooms are not animals, however.

  20. Plant - fungi.

  21. Neither they belong to a separate Genus. Fungi.

    Animals - Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Insects





  22. They are fungus. I've heard my biology professor saying something like that once too but I can't remember if anything came of it.

  23. animals as plants are also animals somehow

  24. animals

  25. they are a plant. more specifically a fungus

  26. Fungi, which i believe is categorized under living cell, which would mean it is closer to animal.

  27. What is a mushroom? It is the fruit (like an apple) of the mushroom "plant" and contain mushroom "seeds" called spores. The body of the mushroom in called mycelium and its individual parts are microscopic. Since the body of the mushroom is usually dispersed over a relatively large area it is rarely noticed. In nature some species of mushrooms may have a body that spreads over hundreds of square miles!

    Mushrooms are fungi, and are usually placed in a Kingdom of there own apart from plants and animals. Mushrooms contain no chlorophyll and most are considered saprophytes. That is, they obtain their nutrition from metabolizing non living organic matter. This means they break down and "eat" dead plants, like your compost pile does.

  28. Mushrooms are actually very small tree's. thats why you see them around the bottoms (base) of tree's in wooded areas. you can also eat them, although you can't make furniture out of Mushrooms. as the wood content is too low.

  29. Animals and plants are groups in the 5 kingdoms.

    Mushrooms are in a completely different group - Fungi.

  30. Plant.  They are fungi, and their growth paramaters  only really differ in respect to photosynthesis *for production of simple sugars*.  (They are photoreactive), and have much similar needs in all other respects.

    Yeast is a plant as well, single-celled, abundant, and exists solely on plant sugars, water and oxygen.  Cheers! :-)

  31. They're a fungus.


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