
Are mushrooms from the park unhealthy???

by Guest64047  |  earlier

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This is kind of strange. But I went to the park yesturday and there was a bunch of mushrooms growing on the baseball field. So I picked them and brought them home, fried them up and had dinner. Someone told me not to eat them because they have pesticides but the store bought mushrooms have pesticides as well. So was it a bad idea to have these mushrooms? They were regular white mushrooms. Not shitake or portablella




  1. Well uhh...some mushrooms that you can find growing on the ground are poisonous.

  2. if you are an expert on mushrooms and know the exact kind that you find, and you know that the mushroom is not poisonous then they could be okay. Buit i would stick to finding mushrooms in the wild or buying them in stores, because they sometimes put chemicals in the grass at parks.

  3. Given the many different kinds of mushrooms, and the fact that so many of them are poisonous, if you keep on picking them randomly, you'll probably end up dead.

    Just because they look like white button mushrooms that you buy at the market doesn't mean they are.  You are gambling with you life.

  4. If this is a serious question, I think it's amusing. The mushrooms you find in the market do not have the same chemicals as you would find on a public baseball field. Mushroom are the most absorbent food commonly served, they will retain toxins. Some mushrooms will kill you regardless of exposure to any foreign substance. To find out if something is going to kill you, you post a question on line to non-professional strangers?

    My best guess is that they would be terrific sauteed with some onions, garlic, chicken broth, olive oil and some nice wine. yummy

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