
Are my ACT scores enough to warrant a full or partial scholarship to a good Division 2 school?

by  |  earlier

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I have just ended my sophomore year and i took the ACT right after school ended, on June 15th or something. I got a 31 composite, with my reading at a 33, my math and science at a 32, and my english at a 27. i have a solid 3.5 gpa, but i do not know if these scores are sufficient in order to gain scholarships. any help???




  1. wow. I just ended my junior year and I'm trying to get your composite score.. how did you do it? Did u study?? Help me. I bet you can get a lot of scholarships. Search for them on,, etc.

  2. Most colleges consider 32+ a perfect score.  It may seem small but that one point can make a huge difference in your ability to get a huge scholarship.  On the plus side since you reading score is high and you only need one point composite you would probably only need a few hours of one on one tutoring with a test prep professional to get the score improvement you need.

    If you can't find anyone local to help you out with college consulting you can email my company (website below) and we can probably answer some of your basic questions what you need for scholarships and where you can look for them.

    Send me an email if you need more help.

  3. You sound pretty smart, heck my son scored so low on both college testings I don't think he can get back into the high school he just attended.

  4. wow!!! awesome:)

    that's a very good score n take it one more time i bet u can get a 32 very easily...lot of colleges give scholarships if ur score is 32 or more...ALL THE BEST!!!

    please do tell me how did study for it?? did u took any courses or books??=]

  5. Scholarships are generally not based off your ACT and SAT scores, but more on community service, school grades, etc. And that's a very good composite score. =)

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