
Are my AP classes beneficial other than college credit? ?

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I am a junior taking an AP Government class, which I can already tell I will not do well in. I work very hard for my grades (about 3.7 or 3.8 gpa), and hard subjects don't come easy to me, I am not a genies. I'm contemplating dropping my AP for regular gov, but I'm scared I'll regret it. I know if I score well enough on the AP test in May I might be able to get some college credit. I am definitely planning on going to college, and I would so much rather get an A in gov then a C (or D...ehh) in the AP, but I was wondering if dropping it would hurt my chances in getting into a university at all?

I AM taking other APs (Psychology and English), but they are in subjects I actually enjoy and do well in. Thanks.




  1. Basically you have to weigh the pros and cons.

    Yes completing the test may get you college credit, but that's a maybe. Not all college's accept completing an AP course for credit. Mine didn't. They preferred that I take the class from them.

    Also, a bad AP score can bring down your GPA, so if you want it to stay exactly where it is, then I would suggest dropping it.

    Dropping it won't hurt you. Especially if you are taking other AP classes that you do well in. Not to mention that you are a junior, not a senior, you can still take it next year if your schedule permits/you feel more ready to take it on.

  2. If you take an AP class and you get a B (instead of taking the same class at a regular level and getting an A) it's okay...however, if you are going to get a C or D, I would suggest dropping the class, especially if you are taking other AP classes.

  3. Well in my school everyone took APs because we had weighted GPAs based on how many AP and honors classes we took and passed. If you don't get any sort of benefit other than college credit than I would drop it. One AP class is not going to hurt your college career. Especially if your GPA isn't based on how many AP classes you've passed.

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