
Are my Cockatiels dieing?

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Okay So when i got my Cockatiels in june i was cleaning the water and i saw like a coughed up brown line thing in the water is this common since they just moved into a new enviorment?




  1. I am pretty sure that is p**p.  If it makes you feel better I have found "brown line things" in my cockatiels cage before and she is 2 years old.  I just clean the water container (not just rince but wipe it out) and put in fresh new water. :)

  2. Other than f***s, that could be vomit.  Not only do birds regurgitate food for their young to eat, but they can unintentionally throw up their food.  I doubt that they have any health problems.

  3. Are you sure your Cockatiel did not p**p in the water.  All birds have a habit of doing that and it could look like a brown line thing.

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