
Are my Comet Goldfish gasping for oxygen?

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I currently have 2 comet goldfish that are kept in a LARGE fishbowl. I am going to transfer them into a 30 gallon tank or more soon! Dont worry! When they grow out of that I will transfer them to my pond!


They keep going to the surface and opening there mouth just like they do underwater but at the surface. There gills are still underwater though. Please help! And yes I did put dechlorinator in when I cleaned it a few days ago!





  1. Oh yes that happened to me with our fish, you have to get a bubbler or add more water or change the water or they will die.  

  2. u need to put a filter or bubbler in there because they need oxygen in the breahte

  3. there isn't enough oxygen in the tank. when you put them in the new tank and they continue to suck at the surface that means that the oxygen level is low, you might want to pick up an air pump.. they are pretty inexpensive, and they make pretty little bubbles inside the tank. or if you have a submergable filter, you could point it upright so that it makes a little fountain at the surface. on another note, never keep any kind of fish in a fish bowl (unless its a beta) without any kind of filtration. goldfish dont have stomachs, so the nitrates from partially digested food will build up in the water and eventually they will poison themselves. i hope this helps.. good luck.

  4. i change my fish water every 2 days

    so it wont be gasping for air

  5. I would suggest on getting the tank set up right now. They need their oxygen from the filters. Only Betas are able to get water straight from the air. ( they have a special organ that allows them to do that. I don't remember what it's called, like labrinth or something like that)

  6. They need new water...

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