
Are my Golf CLUBS any good... CGR ?

by  |  earlier

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I got a set of used clubs… they are my first… I know nothing about brands… I believe they have like alittle cougar or something like that.. not sure….. ?........ but they say CGR …. I almost want to say they say CGR-3 .. I am not sure.. but for sure they say CGR….. Are these any good?... if not what is the best beginner set? Not a pro set.. just a great/ best beginner set and how much do they run… but please let me know if my clubs are any good.





  1. I'm not sure about those clubs because there are allot of cheap brands out there but the best of best beginner/intermediate iron set is the r7 draw bye taylormade however they do not come with a putter or any woods but they are extremely good i had just upgraded to them and let me tell you i can now hit a sand wedge as far as i could hit a 7 iron befor. i hope that helps


  2. While I can't speak to these clubs specifically, Cougar made my first set of clubs and they served me well for several years.  They didn't make high-end clubs then, and from the look of their we site, they still don't.  But that hardly means they don't make a quality product for the beginner golfer.

    In the end, as a beginner, your main concern is to work on your swing...make solid contact and get some consistency in the swing.  My Cougar clubs were ideally suited for that...I'd imagine yours are too.

    And while none of us wants to waste money, I don't think you're in any danger there, as the current Cougar model line has a set called CGR-4, so I suspect yours was only recently replaced by these, as they've only incremented the designation by 1.

    Don't forget too, in a few years, once you've decided if you love or hate the game, you can sell these on e-Bay, recover a portion of your cost, which was already low becuase you did the smart thing and bought used, then buy a set that's suited to your game as it has developed with some experience.  The harsh reality is that it takes a few seasons on the course to develop your swing, and only then can you really get a set of clubs that's truly suited to your game.  Right now you're a beginner...make solid contact and work on your mechanics.

    Good should be in good shape here.

  3. Are you sure they GCR clubs, because I can't find any info about CGR.  As far as a good beginner set, it depends on what you want to spend on them.  I wouldn't recommend spending 750-1000 dollars on a starter set, go with something cheaper, try to learn the game for a while and then invest in a better set.  You may decide you don't want to play the game and then you'll have an expensive set of clubs to try and sell.

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