
Are my SAT scores good or bad?

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SAT scores 2008:

06/2008 SAT Reasoning Test

Critical Reading 560 69%

Math 550 61%

Writing 480 45%

Multiple Choice 47 (score range: 20-80)

Essay 8 (score range: 2-12)

Reading and Math combined: 1110

At first I wqas bitterly dissapointed when I read this. Then I realized I dont know what good SAT scores or what is bad. I want to know if they are good or bad to the standards of CAL states or UC's (not ivy league schools). I want to go to a CAL State or UC and I want to know if my SAT scores will help or hurt me. My GPA is about 3.1 - 3.3 not sure yet




  1. No your quite normal. Your not ivy league, but your still quite good. You can still get into really great schools. good luck and don't worry about it. What matters now is what happens in the future


  2. I'd also say they are average. Not great, not horrible. It may benefit you to take them again, since now you have some experience.

  3. Your score is about the slightly above average (1500), but you can improve it if you study with the right books. I recommend Princeton Review and Tutorfox new SAT guide,

    With both books I improved my score from 1660 to 2120 in only 2 months of summer. Good luck, and let me know if you need any more help.

  4. it depends. IVY league perspective: their ****. Avergae dude persective: their ok. Failure perspective: their amazing. Bottom line: their not amazing, sorry, I'm an honest guy

    hey you did beat me on critical reading tho. I'm not great at that :)

  5. sorry! u need to improve ur writing on this.

  6. Your scores aren't exactly good, but they're not too bad either. UC schools are usually pretty selective, though not as selective as ivy league schools, but they're known for being good schools for a reason. My advice is to prep more by purchasing SAT prep books or taking SAT prep classes and take the SAT a few more times. Your score should definitely improve. With your current scores, you're not going to be exactly what they look for, but if you raise it enough and have other good admission qualities (extracurricular, etc, you know the drill), you have a good chance. Good luck!

  7. 1538 is an average score

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