
Are my SAT scores good?

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SAT Reasoning Test (national average is the %)

Critical Reading 520 56%

Math 520 51%

Writing 450 34%

Multiple Choice 47 (score range: 20-80)

Essay 6 (score range: 2-12)

Are these scores any good? I took the essay at the very end of my junior year. Did I do terrible on my SAT? I plan on taking it 2 more times before I heard off to college in 1 year. I have one more school year to sharpen my skills at math and reading!

What is a good score?




  1. A good score is anything above 2000. Your SAT score is about the average score of about 1500. You can increase your score if you study with a book. I recommend Princeton Review and Tutorfox new SAT guide,

    With both books I improved my score from 1660 to 2120 in only 2 months of summer. Good luck, and let me know if you need any more help.

  2. When it comes to SAT scores, "good" is a relative term. Several students are too hard on themselves when they actually have good scores, and other kids take the test with a very lax attitude. Average composite score (out of 1600) is approximately a 1000, so you're a little bit above average (a lot of schools don't consider the Writing section entirely). Whether or not your score is good also depends on whether you feel you can do better and what colleges you are looking at. For example, I'm looking at Notre Dame, MIT, and Cornell, so I'm not happy until I score above 1500 (Currently have a 740 Math and a 680 Critical Reading). My suggestion: look it over this summer and throughout the school year to maximize your score. Best of luck!

  3. objectively, a "very" good score would be with above 700 on all three subjects, or at least 2100

  4. The percentiles tell it all. You did better than 56% of the other test-takers in Critical Reading, 51% in Math and 34% in Writing.

    Obviously, you need to improve that Writing score.

    Take the ACT too.

  5. Um they r OK scores

    ur writing is kinda low

    ur essay is very low

    your the average student

  6. i got the same thing, and it was my first time taking it

    it depends on where you wanna  to go to school next year

    you might wanna take a sat prep course like i am to at least raise it to a 17-sumthing

    i talked to an admissions lady once and she stated that SAT's arent everything but when they have 10000 aplicants they need SOMETHING to weed out the less capable applicants

    good schools at lest take a 17-something-22-something

    so it al depends on where you want to go. Takeing a good sat prep class would bring up your score alot. And i talked to a guy that teaches there adn he said that he gets this all the time. It could have been nerves or just that you need more help on the material.

    Good Luck!

  7. not bad.

    i would rettake perhaps one more time

    to get a composite score.

    but these days so many students are recieving SAT prep classes that the SAT is no longer an aptitude test.

    I infact am i victim of SAT prep.

    I spent thousands of dollars just attending it.

    Trust me it helped.

    I went from a 1600 to a 2050.

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