
Are my YahooGroups members not getting my emails? Can they access my polls?

by  |  earlier

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I am a president of a club at my university and decided to get a Yahoogroups webpage for the club. I manually added a bunch of club members to the listserv and I put a poll up about what day to meet for an event and only 4 people responded and took the poll... I know that the other members got my original email about me wanting to start up a yahoo groups and they all said they wanted to be added to the email list but none of them have replied when I tried sending messages out through the email address. Are my emails going straight to the junk mail?

I also read something about how you need to request a yahoo profile from people so they can have more access to the group? So does that mean that they have to have a yahoo account to use yahoogroups? I don't want to inconvenience anyone by making them sign up for a yahoo account... And for the people who don't have one, can they just sign up for one (if they must) but still be able to use another email address? So confused.




  1. when you go to the members list, those w/o a yahoo account will have on the line of their ID's 'send request for profile' link. members need a yahoo account to gain web features of the group, no way around that. even if your group was public, it's public to the yahoo community, not the whole wolrd wide web. when you click that request for profile, it'll send instructions to them. they wont see your polls, files or any of those features

    some mail goes to spam/ bulk folders- only way to know is to e-mail privately to members to see if they're getting group mail- more than likely all those adds you made, if they didn't have a yahoo account, that's the issue

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