
Are my actions justified ?

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okay so I'm not close with my mother at all matter fact we don't speak at all and we live in the same house but with my dad its another story we're very close and talk bout mostly anything but we have our fights but the next day we're back close but with my mother i have this built up hatred for her to the point where anything she say or does bothers me...this all started bout five or six years ago when my parents started arguing alot mostly about me cause she believe in heavy discipline and my daddy didn't so one time after alot of arguing she like up and moved out for about two months the whole time she moved out she tried to buy my love and kept pushing that if they divorced i should choose her and all which if didn't really want to but soon later she moved back in an tired to run everything which i felt she had no place cuz she left us here's where the hatred began so her leaving an coming back kept over the year still to this day an the hatred kept piling up by this time me and her started have terrible arguments and even a couple times physical fights an them she like quit her job for no reason putting all the money responsibility on my daddy he has a good job so he made everything happen this i resent her for cause stressed out my daddy but he's not the type to complain out loud an now she just kinda has nothin to do with my life[even though my parents arent divorced] except to tell me something i cant do an now im older(17) an im making an effort to keep peace cause it really bother my daddy when theres some kind of problem with us so i guess my question is my hate justified???




  1. You shouldn't feel caught between your parents problems. They need to be adults, and work things out between themselves, let you be the kid. Also, carrying around that much anger towards your mom is unhealthy & stressful. Try talking to her.

  2. J.chante!

    Kiani gave you some excellent advise.I would hope that you listen to her. Life only comes around once and when it is gone you can not bring it back! Good Luck and God Bless!

  3. definately.

  4. Are you sure that your mother left the house for this small reason? There must be something else too.

    Why dont you sit down with her some day and talk things out. ask her why did she leave; She is your mom after all and deserves a few chances if not many.

    moms are soft people even if they try to put up a strong face. moms love to be loved and hugged. thats all they need of you; no more.  Dont be so harsh on her as somewhere in your later years you might regret not loving your mom. She deserves your love and attention. go ahead, hug her love her melt her. BEST OF LUCK.

  5. Your father is an adult and as such is capable of making his own choices in his life.  He has obviously chose to remain married and live with your mother, whether you like her living there or not.  At your age you are old enough to become "emancipated" and be out on your own.  If life truly is as terrible as you say I would suggest that you call your local social services and look into becoming emancipated.  Of course this will mean you will be totally responsible for yourself.  As far as whether your "hate" is justified, hate is a wasted emotion.  Your mother is the person she always has been and always will be.  Your hating her is not going to change that.  The only person your hatred is going to affect is you because already it has begun to eat at you and yet your mother remains who she is doesn't she?  If life is so horrible I suggest you get a job and start saving money so that when you become 18 you will be able to move out on your own and live your own life and visit your father on occasion.

  6. Your diffenatly didn't just move out.  My bet she was f*cking around on your dad.  I can see why you wouldn't like her.

  7. talk to your pastor

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