
Are my birds breeding??

by  |  earlier

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my parakeets are making a really loud chirps and whistles last night and the male keeps bobbing its heads up and down then stop when it is time to sleep and continue on when I woke up in the morning then the male just fly on the back of the female after about 10 seconds he get off.... are they breeding and another question........ how do I make them drink out of the water dish......(in the cage) they won't drink maybe because it's transparent?? or they are just not thirsty...... I got them aug.22 (the only breeding pair out of my mom's friends parakeets)




  1. They should normally drink at least once a day. Maybe they don't know where the cup is or never have drunken from a cup before. Like my birds, they are used to cups, now i changed it to a bottle, so that way the water will stay fresh, and cool. Yes, your birds have mated. When you see a male on top of a female bird = mating. If you want them to breed, make sure you have a, nest box, pine shavings, a big cage that can fit 2 jar feeders, and water cups (once the chicks are born) on the bottom of the cage. If you need more info on breeding budgie's, check this website out

    it has tons of good info. If you don't want them to breed, than take the eggs out if she lays them and separate them in different cages for at least 1month. If, they both are female, or male, than the eggs won't be fertile (won't hatch) so you won't have to worry about anything. Good Luck.

    P.s. make sure the female is VERY health, if you want them too bread, and a lot of people say, "take them to the vet, before doing this stuff". Other than that, your good to go.

    P.p.s make sure you have some sort of experience on this stuff or someone you know (family member or friend) has experience on this stuff, if no one does. Than make sure you have TONS of info before doing this stuff. Otherwise you can just let the birds take care of everything.

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