
Are my b*****s going to get any bigger?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18, my body is practically fat free, small titties run in my family, I have a very low level of estrogen, and I've been the same height for probably five years. I think I'm at a 32A, but I just wear those little girl sports bras, and I was wondering if, considering everything I've mentioned, they are going to grow anymore? Honestly, I'm happy that they're small and I don't want them to get any bigger, and I actually worry that they are going to surprise me someday and start to expand to a remotely normal size. Seriously. SO, what do you think?




  1. i would say that u have a really small chance in having ur b***s grow any bigger. but since ur 18 u still have like 3 more years til ur body is like totally finished growing. hope that helped.

  2. If you gain weight or get pregnant, they do get bigger.  But if you get pregnant, they may go back down to their normal size.  Depends on how quickly you can lose weight or if you breast feed.  But I would assume that you will stay relatively the same.

  3. My guess is you're done, unless you gain lots of weight overall.  I also have very small b*****s, low weight and body fat and it's been that way for 30 years.

    Smaller b*****s are a godsend as I get older.  Less impact of gravity!

  4. There are alot of factors that could make it go on a birth control pill or pregnancy are just 2 that I can think of.

  5. I think you  now done , there is no more chance as  it become  bigger, ya many girls take pills and cream to make it bigger.

    As man thinks Bigger is always better, but if you satisfy with small it's good for you.

  6. it probably wont if u haven't grown it five years ur body probably stopped growing altogether  

  7. nope, sorry! you'll have small b***s forever!

    unless you gain like a ton of weight or get preggo. =)

  8. I think they'll only get bigger if you put on alot of weight or have a boob job i'm afraid.

    Sorry :/


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