
Are my b*****s ok or is it something I need to be concerned about?

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I feel that something is wrong with my b*****s, and am concerned about my health somewhat because of this problem. One of my nipples is an innie, while the other is an outie (the term innie and outie referring to the different looks of belly buttons, because one of my nipples looks like an innie belly button, while the other looks like an outie belly button). In other words, one of my nipples has a slight dent that kind of swerves downward, while the other portrudes forward. The one that swerves downward has this very white-colored filling inside that keeps reappearing after I remove them (kind of looks like dried milk) and this nipple itches a lot, while the portruding one looks like it has scabs on the surface that sometimes peals off. In addition, both of my nipples look more diagonal/oval shaped than the normal, upright circular shape. Is there something wrong? I am 19 by the way, and I had these ever since I could remember, but they became more prominent when my b*****s started developing a few years ago. Is it something I should be concerned over or is this ok? Are there any other cases similar to mine that was claimed to become a health issue, or has been proven it is quite a normal problem? Please help me. Please don't leave any rude comments because I'm serious. Thanks in advance. And 10 points for best answer!!




  1. The 'innie' nipple you described is, in fact, quite normal. There is no medical evidence suggesting it could cause health problems, although most women who have them (men can have them, also) opt for plastic surgery to have them protracted.

    As far as the other breast, you should see a doctor right away. I'm not saying it can be breast cancer, but it should be ruled out by a physician. Have you see a doctor about this before?

    Best of Luck...

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