
Are my cats possessed?

by  |  earlier

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at night my cats get glowing red eyes then they go berserk in my living room then they jump on my head and stomach then they knock the food off the counter then knock my clock down from the top of my bed and it falls on my head then they try to eat my bunny rabbit in its cage the even broke my tv are my cats possessed by the devil?






  1. Thats just scary.. I never really liked cats anyway. Id get rid of those creepy animals!

  2. no they are not they are just really hyper

  3. All cats eyes look red at night. Cats can see in the dark - we can't. My cats go berserk at bedtime - cat's sleep during the day and are wide awake at night - I always find things where they weren't the day before and don't find things that were there. I've lost earrings, rings, pens, etc. never to be seen again. One day I'll move all my furniture and find my treasures. LOL   The dog is just trying to keep up and play with his siblings (cats)....  I love to watch my cats chase each other around - eventually they'll get tired and sleep. My dog lays there and watches them. Good luck and enjoy all of your critters =^..^=

  4. sounds like they are get a cage and put them it maybe they will cats do that too.

    hope i help

  5. thats an...odd question

  6. Dang! U got yourself some WILDCATS! I have heard animals can be possessed.

  7. LOL - they've just got a lot of pent up energy.

    Most cats sleep nearly 20 hours a day. So, this is what you do:

    As soon as you get home from work, you play with them. chase 'em around the house, take them for walks, whatever. get them all worn out! do this for like an hour or two. If you're lazy - you can use a laser pointer. :)

    Then by the time you go to bed, they should ALSO be ready for bed, and go to sleep.

  8. it sounds like your cats have got a bad case of a rare cat illness. if there eyes go red it is one of the symptons. vets would usually advise you to put them through surgery as this case would start to get worse. good look

  9. hi bonnie u got a freakin demon cat ! no just kidin ya putit in a cage for a week or two maybe they will stop but if they dont go to a vet.

    remember me olivia?

  10. first off close the bedroom door at night.

    second clear off the counter when not in use.

    third get your rabbit in a place they can't get to.

    fourth get a more stable place for the TV.

    fifth exercise the dog, he has too much energy, some obedience might help too.

    you may need to crate them as well.

    as far as the possession try getting your priest to bless them, that should help.

    it did for mine.

  11. umm...i dont know.

    maybe some discipline.

    when they go "berserk" try shooting it with a apray bottle filled with water. when my cat use to go kinda crazy thats what i would do. and now i think its learned not to do those things anymore.

    but yeah. good luck :)
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