
Are my chances of getting into Georgia Tech very good?

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This might be a long description of my credentials. Here goes:

I have taken many AP classes (I am currently taking 5 as well) and they are as follows:

AP World History

AP Biology

AP US History

AP Language

AP Chemistry

AP Literature

AP Psychology

AP Physics

AP Calculus BC

AP Government

AP Economics

The rest of my classes have been at the very least honors classes (others have been accelerated honors or synergy) and I have taken four years of Spanish.

My GPA is around a 3.7 (unweighted) and a 4.22 (weighted). My best SAT score is a 1390 but when I take it for the last time, I expect to raise the score by at least 60 points.

I have been in four to five honors societies over my high school career and I have put in roughly 50 to 75 hours of community service. I was also a part of the high school swim team for 1 year and part of Model UN for 2 years. I did marching band for one year as well.

Sorry for making this so long. I would like to know what other people think about my chances of getting into this college. My closest friends and relatives think I can get into this college.




  1. You forgot to mention perhaps the most important thing: are you a Georgia Resident?  If you are a georgia resident, then yes, you probably would get in.

    If you are not a georgia resident, you will have to compete for a limited number of positions that are offered to non-georgia residents.  

  2. I agree with Joseph.

    If you are from outside Georgia then its a different ball game.

    I still feel that you will get in though - decent SAT and great GPA.

    Keep in mind when applying to schools, your academics always matter more than extra-curriculars (unless you are an athlete or something)

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