
Are my coaches crazy? (long for people who like to read)?

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we are getting new coaches for our highschool team and right now they are running a summer program (very intense 2 a days) and they had been watching our strokes and taking notes on them and got all of our best times, sat down and highlighted cetain ones and came up with events that we would reach our full potential at if we chose to work at them.....they gave me IM and distance free....... i never really swam distance at all with my old coach (i did like once and screwed around) and my IM is good but my backstroke is not where i would like it to be, i would usually swim the breaststroke.... my coaches said it is up to me whether or not i will take their advice and i dont know if i should or not because my old coach (who wasnt too great) never really put me in free events,

so i kind of have 2 questions, 1. should i listen to my new coaches? and 2. are they just talking crazy?




  1. I would take theire advice and train they way they want you to throughout the summer, but tell them you still want to train for breaststroke. They went through all that trouble for each kid on your team so they must be up to something. and, hey, you never know until you try! Also, come on my dad is old and has seen many swim meets and I am a nationally ranked IMer (400 IM) and distance freestyler (mile) and he doesn't know c**p about swimming. The new coaches are your coaches now, so they'll be doing what they think is best for you. Younger coaches also have a frsher new perspective on swimming, the sport has changehd alot over the years.

    So give it a try, if not to show your coaches respect, the nto see if maybe they on to something!

  2. They sound great!  Listen and learn.

    A coach can only be as good as the enthusiasm and determination he/she can inspire in the ones he/she coaches.  If these coaches get you and your team to challenge yourselves and stretch you to your abilities, they have done well!

    As far as your second question goes, it seems like they have researched and drawn conclusions based on that research.  They have looked at you as an individual, not just another part of the team.  Listen and learn from them...seems like an opportunity for growth that you may never experience again!!!

  3. They sound like good coaches - listen to them. I wish my coach did more of that.

  4. Sounds like they have the experience and background to know what they are talking about. IT might be a little hardcore, but if you listen and try you will obviously get to the next level in your high school swimming career. They are trying to help and make you and your team better, exactly what coaches want.

  5. they sound gud i tink u shuld do as they say cuz they will work on tings u need nd sumtimes new tings r gud but if ur old coach wasnt very gud then wat r u waitung 4

  6. yes i would listen to them. it sounds like they take their job very seriously (probably a little to serious for high school swim team). but, i would still listen to them because they should know what coaching and good swimming looks like since they swam D1.

  7. If the new coaches give you advice to try a new event go with it.  They were hired for a reason, not picked up off the street.  You will have a better time in practice and at meets as your training improves and your times drop.

    Training for these events will also help to increase your aerobic base for a more successful career at the college level.

    It sounds like these new coaches are a great thing for your team.

  8. i think you should definitely listen to your new coaches. if they're good enough to be coaching then they should know what their talking about. and if you don't like it, switch back to breaststroke and your other strokes.

  9. well it sounds like they care a lot about your performance, becuase they are taking extreme measures to better your training. I think you should just go with it, they seem to know what they are doing (: and no they arent crazy, my coaches do these things all the time!

    good luck (:

  10. Take the advice...and don't complain...atleast your coaches take time and look at your strokes and everything!!!

  11. Well just try it.  They took all that time to pick the events for you, they didn't just do it randomly.  "we would reach our full potential at if we chose to work at them"  you said it all right there.  you aren't super at them now but you could be.  ask your coaches for help they are obviously willing.  you're very lucky i have finally found my best events after a long time of my own trail and error.  the only bad that could come of trying it is that you find you're not good at those events.  Good luck:)

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