
Are my dreams being manipulated? Part 2?

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This is the second part to my post. I dont have Trauma at all. I also do have trouble choosing satan or god no lie. Its like I have a feeling god and satan is fighting over me. Its a strange feeling. But one time I woke up and saw red writing on my wall but it disappeared. Someone told me on wow about a curse something about TypeX who knows but it was creepy.

I cant do Lucid Dreaming I dont have control over my dreams. Ive had the same nightmare 3 times in one month before. I sometimes do have sleep paralysis so Im afraid to fall asleep facing straight up. Im trying to have out of body experiences but I have no idea how to.

Also, Sometimes the things in my dreams come true but in a different way. Like I dreamed their was a tornado where I lived. 1 week later on the news it said there was a tornado in orlando. I dont know But is satan and god really fighting over me right now? Im starting to loose faith in both of them. Or are my dreams really being manipulated By an evil spirit?




  1. You create your own dreams.  I don't see how Satan can come into your mind and plant dreams there.  He has better things to do than s***w with your mind.  Same goes for God, as I'm sure he is out saving someones soul.

    If you think your special enough to have God and Satan fighting over you maybe you suffer from schizophrenia.

    As far as the dream coming true those are called prophetic dreams and usually they are based on intuition or common sense.

  2. i dunno if dreams are being manipulated by other entities but i know that you cant control your dreams or choose what you want to dream of

  3. Post the 3 nightmares in 3 separate posts if you have enough questions to do this.  If not, post them all together.  Let me know and I will look at them, and ask my friend Jynx of the Tea Leaves to look at them too.  She is also Christian who has a gift for interpreting dreams.  We both pray for each person as we read and ask God to help them and to give us wisdom about their dreams and their situation.  We are only human, so we are not always able to help, but very often God allows us to do so.

  4. Okay, first of all, calm down. As already mentionned, if you truly believe yourself to be this important, you might need some help. Sleep paralasys, nightmares, and drifting dreams (a short, spontanious dream you have just before you wake up suddenly) are all NORMAL. You are not cursed; most people cannot control their dreams.

    As for your tornado dream, two reasons you are not prophetic:

    1) Tornadoes are quite common in that region of USA. The odds of one appearing in the week after your dream are very high

    2) Like all prophetic claims, the "sometimes" factor is very telling. Let's say I have twenty dreams. Nineteen of them are normal, then the last one is of a cat dying. Next week, my friend's cat is run over. Our subconcious is wired to ignore the first nineteen dreams and instead go "oh my gosh, I can tell the future!" instead of realizing that, in the hundreds of dreams we have (around five a night, even if you don't remember them) there will be those that coincide with real life.

    Get a grip. If you still need help, see a phycologyst.

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