
Are my dreams being manipulated?

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I dont smoke, I dont do drugs and I am 17 but I have problems with dreams. I dont eat chocolates or have sugar before bed. Sometimes my nightmares are so bad im affraid of going to sleep. are my nightmares being manipulated by an evil spirit? I cant control my dreams. I try to dream about girls but then I end up dreaming about something else.

I wake up from nightmares and I see Symbols and Numbers written on my closet. But for some reason I cant make out what they are because my vision is blurry from waking up. Sometimes it does feel like im being watched by spirits. But one time I tried to go to sleep I opened my eyes when I was very tired. I thought I saw a gray figure that looked like a troll sort of. I blinked my eyes again and it was gone. Also, all my dreams are in color and it sometimes changes the way I feel about people.

Does anyone know if my dreams are being manipulated by a spirit? Please let me know




  1. I think that Jufawn may be partly right. Spirits cannot harm you the way they do in movies unless you invite that in which you have not. They do not have any physical matter to effect things or people that strongly in this world. What may be happening is that someone is trying to get your attention. What you are interpreting as a nightmare is nothing more than an unclear message. Before you go to sleep ask for clarity in the messages, do not be afraid you have total control.

  2. Your dreams are your subconscious mind doing a data dump. The monsters, evil spirits and strange symbols are manifestation of your fears and authority figures you hate.

    Don't let them control you in dreams and reality.

    Your dream seems uncontrolled because your real life seems uncontrolled.

    Take control of your dreams by reading before bed.

    Curl up with a good book something that isn't scary. If you want to dream about a girl, read a romance novel. It sounds strange, but it works it gets your brain thinking in the right direction.

    Writing works too. Use your imagination write a story where you are the main character with the girl you want to dream about as the love interest.

    Reading  or writing gets your mind to focus on good things. When you think good thoughts you will have good dreams.

  3. Possibly your dreams are being manipulated. Or you just have an over active imagination? Or theres a mystery in your life and your subconsience is trying to work it out. It's hazy, but if you know of a big mystery in you life try to solve it. If you do the dreams should go away.

  4. The first thing you should do is relax.

    The second, is to not believe in spirits, or say that you see things which science can not prove, or you'll end up in an asylum or something in a couple of years, or less.

    You do not have to consume a food or drug to have hallucinations. Misfiring neurons can cause you to see images, which are just projections into your occipital lobe. I'd see a psychologist or a professional Doctor who deals with neurology. Seeing things that do not exist is not normal. After my mother's car accident, about twenty years ago, she started seeing "lights," which did not really exist. This was due to severe head trauma. I believe, there are no energies haunting the earth, other than the human energy. That energy comes with a mind, which does not work perfectly in all human beings, causing their realities to be dysfunctional, which in turn makes living a normal life next to impossible.

    Wow, really?

    There are no such things as demons, devils, satan, angels, gods, or spirits. Just like there is no such thing as unicorns, trolls, bigfoot, santa and the like.

    2,000 year old myths are filled with personifications of duality between pleasure and pain, devil, God.

    Study greek mythology for five minutes, and find out yourself.

  5. Yes.  They are being manipulated by me, gthe Great and Powerful Oz.

  6. I believe nightmares are often God's way of showing us there are demon influences in our lives.  When you wake up, what you see probably IS a demonic manifestation.

    I'm guessing you have played around with something occult, at the very least.  Probably numerology?  Maybe astrology, too?  Any occult activity or use of pornography invites demonic spirits into your life.

    Don't lose faith in God.  He gave you free will.  If you choose to invite evil into your life, that is YOUR responsibility.  YOU have to be the one to call on God to deliver you and make EVERY effort to learn what is from Him and what is not.  The Bible is your guide, but it does help to have strong Christian mentors to help you out along the way.  

    The book of 1st John in the Bible is a great source for determining if something is of God or not.  Also,  I have written some information about these demonic harassing spirits because this kind of question is VERY frequent here on Yahoo Answers.  The numerology issue is so prevalent I've dubbed it "The Numerology Virus."  

    Beware:  "Spirit Guides" are demons.  No angel or spirit from God will draw your focus to itself or work to develop a relationship with you.  God Himself wants to be your guide.  Most of His will for you is revealed in the Bible, like in the ten commandments.  The rest He will reveal as we build relationship with Him and spend time with others who are following God also.  God wants you for Himself.  He loves you and wants what is best for you.  Anything that competes with Him is harmful to us.

    If you want to post specific dreams, let me know and I will look at them.

    God bless you,


  7. There is a war going on over your spirit.  You need to make a decision about who you want to give your soul to.  This is a HUGE deal.  Please don't take this lightly.  You need to pray and say out loud that you are giving your soul to God.

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