
Are my dreams hinting at something?

by  |  earlier

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Hii everyone :) This may sound a bit strange...but I had a dream the ther night about my dads friend who has had cancer for a while.He's bee completely healthy for about two years now, until I had this dream.He just walked by me and I said to him -

" Hey , where ya going "

and he responded -

" Oh hey Jim, I'm going , tell your dad I said bye "

and I said -

" But where are you going "

and he just dissappeared.

The next day I went to my dining room table. I found an advertisment for a blood an bone marrow drive. It was for my dads best friend with cancer, who I had had a dream about the night before. The ad said that he needed bone marrow , and blood , or else he wasn't going to make it. I sware , when I read it ,I had shivers down my spine. When I think about it , my whole body begins to tingle...but in a bad way.

Is this hinting at something?




  1. coincedence, don't worry

  2. i am very sorry , but yes he knows that his time is very soon, and wants you to say good bye. i hate reading dreams like this. i am really sorry , but i think you now what it means.

    the answere is right there mate

    please take care

    ps one thing you must realize, at least he is able to communicate with you .  he will be in a good place,

    take care.

  3. sometimes dreams tells you whats going to happen so you could be prepared for whats to come like take this for example when i was a child i had this dream three times before it happened

    i was talking to my mother she told me judy you are going to be alright im still here with you even though now im with god now but what was weird we werent in heaven we were in the park watching the twins play

    but there were other dreams that i had that end up coming true.

    what yours might be is that if he doent get what he needs he might pass away.and he went to you so you could be there for your father. hopefuly he gets what he needs and i'm sorry that hes sick my mother passed away from lung cancer four years ago i really do hope he gets better i will pry for him and your dad

  4. Yes, he's most likely going to die. This is not meant to be mean.

    I used to go back east for 3 weeks for vacation. I had a dream one of the people we visited died the day before we left. That was about 2 weeks before we left. I had no knowledge of any bad health in him. I was outside mowing the grass when my wife came and told me he died, this was the day before we left. I told her I already knew. She asked how. When I told her she asked why I didn't tell her. I thought I saw her dad, I was close because this man was her dads new wife's ex husband. We were all close, His name started with a D, I thought it was dad. How do you tell someone you dreamed their father died. The sad thing is I saw the age her father dies. Even though we are now divorced, I hope I am so wrong.

  5. Could be random coincidence, or it could be a hint. Or, you might have sen the flyer somewhere and your subconscious picked up on it.

  6. Maybe this is a coincidence,but dreams dont lie.

    :) that gappened to me once and it did happen i was freaked out.

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