
Are my dreams normal? No one else thinks they are.

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My dreams the last couple of weeks are pretty disturbing...

Like the one last night I dreamt that I was in a giant room full of floating cubes and all the cubes had a different assortment of decapitated heads inside of them.. After a while of walking around all of the heads opened their eyes and turned towards me and screamed like bloody murder. I then stumbled into a phone booth like thing and it was so claustrophobic that I suffocated. After that I had a false awakening and got up and I walked downstairs to find half my house was destroyed and outside of it was lined with the smoldering bodies of everyone I knew and it was raining blood. Then the ground opened up and I fell into infinity... And I finally woke up. I've been having really horrible nightmares like that all week the last night one I just described was the worst.. Could this mean something.. or are they just nightmares that will go away?




  1. d**n, that is some freaky ****.  

  2. Dreams are unpredictable. I my self have dreams about something  I herd of that day. But my last six dreams I'm in a dark room with no floor I don't know but that a odd dream.

  3. Ima a hoping those are just nightmares,LOL, or else u have a scary life a head of ya...


  4. Sounds like you have been watching to many horror movies.

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