
Are my dreams of emigration ruined ? am i trapped here in the uk- can someone advise please ?

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Can someone tell me how i could work towards emigrating from england ? (serious answers)?

i want to emigrate to argentina or mexico - and i just want someone to help me please.

im 30 im in hard cirumstances- wait for therapy for bpd and ptsd..

missed out alot in life...never been qualifications..

criminal record etc.

but im working hard to change things and i know i have to be really waiting for therapy etc.

i have these strong goals and ambitions to get a good job in computers that pays well..

but ultimatly i aim to leave in emigrate.

so id appreciate if someone can give me instructions and off me hope..

i know i have to try and be really strong

please someone offer me hope as even though ive had a rough life so far - this is my only dream and ambition

this is my goal its what i want....i want to emigrate from england by hook or by crook.......blood in or blood out.

i desperatly want to achieve this dream in life.....i would like to go to mexico or argentina.

and i need for someone to help me please

At 30 is it too late for me to try to reach this goal i dearly want ?




  1. Go to Canada.

    Then drive to Mexico. Easy one.

  2. You have to ask yourself whether leaving the UK is necessarily the solution.  Maybe you can have a totally different experience while staying there.

    As for going to Mexico and Argentina, these are places with a relatively higher level of lawlessness and corruption, Mexico more so than Argentina, and you will not like it when you get to see the absence of such things as stability, and a well functioning government (don't laugh, England works well), you may not be aware of the immensity of how a well functioning state affects your daily life until you live in the absence of good and healthy institutions, it sucks, I've lived in a poorer Latin American country, and it does not beat living in a more wealthy country, the poor in the US and Western Europe are better off than the middle and upper middle class in Latin America, seriously.

    As for the last point you said; it is never too late, ever.  Many folks begin their paths in their 60's, so your age is a non-issue.

    You can travel to Latin America, but life ain't easy over there, you may not want to live there once you try it, but maybe you'd like it.  I'd say go and check it out first.  Jump to Argentina and get with some fellow Brits there who will show you the ropes.

  3. If it was Amercia they would not let you in , because you have a criminal record, I am not to sure about Mexico or other countries .

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