
Are my eyes going to deteriorate any more?

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2003-2006: -4.00 and -4.50 diopters

2007-2008: -5.00 diopters

I am now 20 years old and my next optician's test is in 2009. My optician said there had been no huge change in my glasses prescription when I went last year, but it must have changed by -0.50 diopter

Is it going to get any worse than this or will my eyes stabalise? Thanks




  1. Usually eyes tend to stabilize around 18-21.  For men, around the 21 mark.  But, some people's eyes never stabilize due to genes or other health issues.  Nobody can tell you for sure if your eyes will stabilize but if they have been only changing a bit, they shouldn't change much more shouldn't suddenly got to a -9 in a year or something like that.

  2. Based on my own experience, your eyes should stabilise... however, this is based on the amount of "close vision" work that you do, such as using computers.

    I think that good vision habits, together with proper nutrition and some eye exercises would help to not only stabilise your eyesight but improve it.

    Here are some articles to help you:

    Also, I am currently doing eye exercises and you can follow my progress on my blog -

    Hope this helps...

  3. Wearing glasses or contacts makes your vision worse. Don't use your glasses to do nearsighted things like reading or using the computer. Only use them when you really need them.

    Look online for eye exercises that can help improve your vision.

    Wearing glasses or contacts relaxes your eye muscle. But when you don't use your glasses your eyes naturally try to improve the vision using the eye muscles.

    And do not squint.

    Eye doctors do not tell you this because they will loose money.

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