
Are my eyes normal?(pic)?

by  |  earlier

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i'm a little worried because i have really bad vision for a 16 y/o and there are brown spots on my eye.

should i be worried?




  1. You got gorgeous eyes

    dont stress it

    but only way you can find out

    is going to the eye doctor

  2. your eyes look pretty!

    Um... ask your eyed doctor

  3. OMG! Yer eyes are so gorgeous. Lol. I hope I don't sound like a freak. Buht, I don;t think yuh have anything to worry about.

    Hope I get chosen as best answer(;


  4. they look cool rainbow color eyes

  5. Not sure about the brown spots, but you have really pretty eyes!

  6. I think youre eyes are really pretty. i think that its nothing to worry about its probly just part of the coloration in your eye!

  7. Wow, your eye is very unique. I've never seen anything like that before.

    I don't really think you should be worried. If you can't see very well, maybe get glasses?

    If you really think it's a problem, you should go see an eye doctor or something..

    Hope I helped! ;DD

  8. They look like eyeballs to me.

  9. you should check that with the doctor because it is not normal i think that you scraped the iris and cornea of your eye

  10. yea theyre really pretty actually not to sound like a weirdo or anything

  11. Are the brown spots a new occurance? It seems like something to be concerned about if there are changes in the color of the acutal eye.

    See a doctor who specializes in eye care. It's the only way you'll find out for sure if this is something that you should be worried about.


  13. it looks weird but crazy hott like its nice but you should get it checked out

  14. Didn't the flash hurt?

  15. ithink you have very beautiful coloring in your eyes but the red on theleft side needs to be checked out by a eye doctor.

  16. you should have your eyes read by an iridologist. it looks like you may have some significant health issues going on.

  17. my eyes look almost exactly the same color and everything but i have great vision

  18. I believe the rust colored marks are chemical (perhaps medicine) deposits in the body.  

    Contact an Iridologist, one who reads the iris, the colored area of the eye. The markings in the iris correspond to certain parts of the body. Depending on what the color or shape of the marking is, degrees of health or disease of the organs may be understood.

    An Iridologist would be a holistic health practitioner, contact a health food store for suggestions on finding one.

    It looks like you take in a hearty amount of dairy (or other mucous-forming foods).

    Best wishes.

  19. WOW!!!! your eyes are soooooo cool!!! im so jelous!!!! sorry to say but i reall wouldnt know if they are bad but i bet they are fine i have seen eyes similar to your of course they where in boring school movies but iv still seen them lol.... but in those movies my teacher never said anything like they are bad they didnt sat anything about them and neither did the movie so i dont think you have anything to worry about i just think your really lucky to have amazing eyes like those.... but like i said befor i dont really know for sure sorry

  20. Go to an ophthalmologist and get vision checked.

    Brown spots in the eye ! Are they recent ?

    Tell me further- What is poor Is it your visionof distant objects,or close objects or both ?

    But I assure all this can be treated. Inform more.

  21. That's a really good camera you got there.  Really sharp picture.

    I think you should go to the doctors.  I'm more worried about the gold ring shape in your iris ... it's a symptom of Wilson's disease.

  22. I think you should see a doctor.

  23. wow. thats pretty sweet. i dont know if its bad or not though.. it is pretty kool lookin though

  24. nope, they are nice, the reason why  they are different is because your eyes are like a fingerprints and they are all different


  25. wow those eyes are crazy nice

  26. i don't know but your eyes are freaking gorgeous.

  27. they are'nt weird.I actually think that they are kinda pretty.

  28. Your eyes are beautiful.

    The color of your eyes does not contribute to your poor eyesight (unless you have an eye disease, it would show up grey and pale)

    The brown spots are generally nothing to worry about as many people have them without realizing it.

    They could be skin forming inside the cornea.

    Could be Cataracts.

    Not likely.

    Get an examination if you want more help :)

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