well there's two scenarios:
there's Storm. she's about 3 years old and has a very full and soft coat, very healthy, too, it seems. i scruffed her just today to clip her nails (which she hates) and she wriggled out of my grip and ran off under my bed out of my reach (as always) but when she did, there was a tuft of her fur still between my fingers! i pinched her fur around the scruff area again, and a little more hairs came off. it's not a lot: only when the fur is gripped does it come out. this hasn't happened before though; is it normal shedding? it is summer, after all...
and then there's Dumas. he's losing hair around his upper tail, but not past his tail, and not down his tail. it's like a stripe of baldness at the end of his tail, but it doesn't extend up his back nor does it go all the way down his tail. it's been like that for a few months; he's not losing any more fur or growing it back. it's just a stripe of bald!! i was thinking that if it extends up his back it could be adrenals disease, but if not, could it possibly be rat tail that just hasn't gone too far?
please help~!