
Are my flowers gonna die caused i have used miracle grow on them like 4 days in a row ?

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my flowers are looking kinda crispy from the hot weather . i moved them to a shady spot in the backyard . the front yard must have been to much sun . anyways there are some flowers left but i have used miracle grow on them 4 days in a row . in this gonna kill them even more cause i used to much miracle grow ? i water them everyday . please answer if u something about plants . and how often should i water them a day 2 or 3 times?




  1. I assume these are container plants you are moving around.  First, you must determine what type of plants they are..impatiens and begonias like shady spots, whereas petunia, geraniums, moss rose and such like sunny spots.  And yes, fertilizer 4 days in a row is over kill....  you're wasting your money.  Plants can only absorb so many nutrients in a given time. I suggest you move them to a shady spot, water them until it runs out of the container [this will leach the soil] trim back any dead or crispy stems, and water only when soil feels dry.  Good luck

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