
Are my friends and family right?

by  |  earlier

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This sounds crazy, but all I want is a family.Im 17 years old and theres NO WAY ill be a teenage mum but im so different from all my friends..they wanna go out and party but im not really into that kind of stuff..iv tried it and I didnt think much of it. My parents and friends say ''ill grow out of it''. My question is..will I always feel like this or are my parents and friends right?





  1. you've told that u r different from all others and that's what make u don't like to go out & party but that doesn't mean you don't like anything.analyze what all are the things you and your friends have in common ?well... you've told you've your friends can help you in every way.but often people'll have to get adjusted....under certain circumstances....but it's your satisfaction that counts.try to utilize the qualities you have in your own way.never feel that as u r different from've lost its little difficult to say,' will i always feel like this' depends on your perspective towards life.your parents too can help sort out this problem..(cheer up...never take this as a PROBLEM)

    often it's seen that people with differences take no time in succeeding

    in their lives....because they r different like u.

  2. If your not into partying your not exactly gonna grow into it so your parents are wrong

  3. its your life and you are allowed to do what you want !!!!!!! regardless of what others thinkk

    just cuz you might be a teenage mum dont mean you wont look after the baby..its your choice not your mum's or friends..make sure you have plenty of money first though!! no money firstly could lead to not a good start of upbringing and when your parents see the baby with top clothes etc(at the early a few weeks)they will notice how good you are with the baby,.. and in a few months your parents will give some money..

    belive are certainly NOT crazy !!

    good luck xx

  4. If that is what you want......I think it will live with you.

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