
Are my grades good enough?

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I am thinking about applying to several prep schools on the east coast. The one I mostly want to go to is Blair Academy.

My grades in 6th and 7th are as follows:


Math C

Spanish A

Science A

Language Arts A

Soc. Studies B


Math A

Science B

Language Arts A

Soc. Studies B

Spanish A

In 6th grade I helped organize a fundraiser at school for the Susan G. Komen Foundation and we raised about $1600. I have been playing tennis since I was 8 (I'm now 13) And I play the violin in school.

And do you have any other good schools I could apply to?

Thanks in advance :)

Oh and do you know what the exceptance rate is for Blair Academy?




  1. Well right now they are good enough, but unfortunately those grades will have almost nothing to do with you gettting into the college you want. Colleges look at your grades in high school, and almost never look at your middle school grades. But just keep up the good work and you will get in. The fact that you play the violin will help, but like your grades, you will have to stick with it through high school because any good college will require atleast one year of fine arts (band/orchestra counts) in high school.

    The acceptance rate for Blair Academy is about 49%.

    Hope I helped and good luck:)

  2. yeah,theyre good enough

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