
Are my grades really bad?

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These are my grades that will be on my report grade this year, I'm really bad at Algebra, so a C is good for me, lol :]

English 1 - 90%

Modern American History - 87%

Health - 90%

Spanish 1 - 84%

Physcial Science - 92%

Algebra 1 - 74%

Basic Co-ed P.E. - 81%

Family Skills - 91%




  1. No, you're grades are actually pretty good. Just make sure you try your hardest in school everyday and you'll be successful. As for the 74% in Algebra 1, that's still average, so it's not that bad, but there's always room for improvement

  2. they aren't bad for me say. it really would depend on what you want to do with your life and how hard your willing to work. to tell you the truth you are good in school, i have my own grading rules.

    A- hardworking

    B- trying hard

    C- goofing off

    D- just getting by

    F- not at all trying

  3. No you are really good in school.Keep it up you will  make it far!!! =]

  4. Wow 84 in Spanish not bad...I'm hispanic and I never did that good in Spanish class.

  5. average! not bad at all some above average! :) :) :) :)

  6. not at all just kind of work at algebra and you'll be all set.

  7. They're fairly good...if you're aiming at a top college though, then there not too good.

  8. i think you're fishing for compliments (which is really lame when its from strangers) because obviously you're grades, except for algebra and maybe spanish, are great.

  9. wowww thats good...copared to me.. :)

  10. U r cool student just like ,

    who learn like me

    read like me

    get grades like but

    not like me

  11. Well it depends on which grade your in. I'm in high school and I'd said you're doing really good. The most common grades of my friends are in the 70s and 80s (I happen to be a straight A nerd though ☺). Keep up the good work and just try to do your best (I know you hear it all the time) on Algebra and such.

  12. not bad,.,., hey what am i doing here?? you owe me big time conserve h20!!

  13. no. you're grades are absolutely not bad. just as long as you truly tried your best, then you shouldn't be disappointed at all because there are probably many people who may do far worst than you. but there's always room for improvement. :]

  14. except algebra you can raise it more but it is ok


  15. no... you are good in school... your algebra is still in average....

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