
Are my guinea pigs having s*x?

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well, i just brought a guinea pig home from petco...and so i took out my old guinea pig to meet him. well, they just stared at each other, then started walking around each other...and smelling each others butts.

ugh then it started, my old guinea pig started climbing on my new one, and this really weird thing opened right above its butt. it had hair and it was mostly pink...and it just opened for like 5 seconds then closed...and that happened continuously. both were climbing on each other....and my old guinea pig had that thing opening on it...

my new guinea pig, according to the pet store, is a male, and i forgot what my old guinea pig was, though i think it was a male...any help???




  1. You need to immediately check to see if they are the same s*x or if you have a male and a female.  The Cavy Spirit link has excellent photos for you to compare with.

    If you have a male and a female then please separate them.  Guinea pig pregnancies are extremely dangerous there is a 20% chance that the female could die.

    If both pigs are males then this can be a completely normal part of introductions.  Mounting is a way of establishing dominance.  Take a look at the info for introductions here:

  2. i agree, the sniffing each other was a greeting... but as for the other, i dunno

  3. umm well it's a way of meeting eachother(or s*x I don't know)

  4. Ditto Allisha.

    Pet store pigs are often sold sick and missexed. You need to verify their gender.

    See and too

  5. omg xD er um well if there both male its normal..kinda. it's like a dominance thing i heard. they'll stop sooner or later.

    But if  ones male n the others female you should seperate them unless you want babies.

    this is kind of gross but you should look at it to tell whether its male or female.

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