I've had heart palpitations ever since I was 12 or 13, and now I am 16. I figured out I had asthma at age 12, and then about a month later I noticed whenever I exercised or was anxious I would start to get heart palpitations. I've been to the cardiologist twice already and they keep on saying everything is fine and it's completely normal, but if it was fine and completely normal then why would I be getting them? I ended up going to the hospital last night, because my heart palpitations wouldn't go away, and I got really scared and was breathing to fast and was feeling dizzy and numbness. They said that I have benign heart palpitations, but they told me to go back to the cardiologist, but never told me how to treat it.
So the questions are, should I see a psychiatrist for my anxiety, and will they be able to give me medicine that will make me more relaxed so I don't get these heart palpitations anymore or as much? Is there any medicine that I can use to help me. I've changed to many different types of asthma inhalers, but I don't notice any changes so I'm thinking my anxiety is the problem and not the asthma.