
Are my hips genetic or not??

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im 13 3/4 and i started puberty around the same time as my mum and my periods started around the same time as well and were about the same size im 77 pounds and am quite short at 4ft 10 (compared to other girls at school i am one of the smallest) but dont want to be any taller ha ha i have reacently noticed about a few weeks ago that my hips were getting wide and asked my mum when her got wider and it was about the same time as well and she said i must carry her geans but my hips are bigger than hers and there still growing but my mum has fat on hers and mine dont (lucky me haha) so do i realy have her geans or will i be bigger than her ???




  1. It's possible you do have her genes but you are still growing, this is probably why you think your hips look bigger, give yourself time to grow and mature, Im sure by the time your 16-18 your hips won't seem so big

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