
Are my iguanas ok around my pregnant girlfriend?

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Are my iguanas ok around my pregnant girlfriend?




  1. As long as your friend isn't afraid of the iguana.

    When the baby is born please leave the iguana in it's cage while your friend and her baby comes 2 see you.

    even though the iguana is a vegitarian the child may be scared at 1st.

                           J J

  2. wow really whats it goin to do bite her?

  3. is the iguana the father?

  4. Of course there ok, as long as you continue to follow baisic hygene practises (wash your hands after handling, feeding e.c.t) she will be fine, some reptiles do carry salmonella on there skin ( especially just shed skin) i dont advise she handle that, but she will be fine!!

    hope this helps.

  5. I think so but they aren't with people on their period. As she is pregnant she won't get periods so i think she'll be OK.

  6. Have they tried to eat her?

    Is she scared of them?

    Are they scared of her?

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    You could ask them?

  7. Yes ofcourse!

    I presume you mean regarding salmonella?

    Humans come into contact with the salmonella by touching the reptiles mouth or its p**p, but many reptiles don't even have it.

    So your girlfriend should not put her mouth against the reptile and make sure to wash her hands with anti-bac every time she has touched it, and be careful not to put her hands on her clothes or face or body or anything until she has washed her hands.

    You will also need to do the same. If you handle the reptile and touch your girlfriend or a surface, there could be salmonella on it.

    Its just basic hygiene really - you should be doing this anyway.

    If you are still concerned, maybe take a p**p sample to the vet and get it checked for salmonella - it might not even have it. If it does have salmonella, get some anti-biotics to flush your rep of them.

    There is nothing else that your iguana could be carrying that you should be worried about.

  8. I don't want to be a scaremonger but Iguana(All Lizards) can carry diseases that could harm you/her and therefore your unborn baby.You'll be ok if you wash your hands but I don't recommend your girlfriend  touch them.

  9. depends how hungry she gets.

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