I don't give them everything they want, but we they are 9, 14, and 18, and all of them have already been to 6 continents. We take a lot of family trips. We go to Scandinavia, the low countries, the British Isles, France, Germany, Iberia, Italy, Eastern Europe, The Balkans, Canada, all around the US, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Morocco, South Africa, and we just got back from Australia. My wife and I feel that it's important to take family trips around the world, because soon, they will be off for college, and we won't be able to have family experiences like this. My oldest one is going to college soon, and we are so glad that we took the Australia trip before he left, because that might have been our last trip as a family, although we are considering going back to France next spring, because all of my kids really liked that trip, even my 9 year old, who I thought would be bored? But, are they spoiled?