
Are my outfits really that bad?

by Guest58915  |  earlier

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My friends always make fun of what I wear... I'm 13 and my hair is layered and shoulder-length and can be kind of poofy, but I do my best to straighten it.

Here are four of my recent outfits.

First Outfit: (except with a v-neck)$08_product_detail$ (underneath- peeks out in v-neck and at bottom)

all of that ^ with a cute white hair clip, pigtails, and purple flipflops

Second Outfit: (in pink)

neon green tank top underneath

i wore my hair down with purple flipflops.

Picture Day Outfit: (in gray and the bow is the same exact color as the shirt) (in white)

cute black flats with a flower/ bow thing

Fourth Outfit: (it has frill at the bottom- like strings hanging off- on purpose.)

purple tank underneath

same butterfly clip as in picture day outfit

with flip flops

Thanks SO much!




  1. ok

    1st outfit, the undershirt doznt match the vneck or the bottoms, try a plain shirt under the vneck and jeans

    2nd outfit matches better, but still not tht gr8, its a little little kidish

    Picture Day outfit, um the shirt looks wayyy to old, to wear it doznt rlly look good, the skirt looks private schoolish and doznt look that good, and the butterflies look little kidish

    4th outfit ummm its the best for a casual look, lose the butterflies, and add sum chunky beads will look better

    -just look for things that match better! good luck! sry if this offended u!

  2. First Outfit: totally awesome!!! i would sooo wear it :)

    Second Outfit: not as cute but definetly awesome ;)

    Picture Day Outfit: i'm not digging the butterfly clips but other wise its awesome

    Fourth Outfit: very cute!

    your friends are buttholes if they make fun of you... have you looked for over friends??

    btw, have you heard of ?? its this really really great site where you can design outfits for yourself and other ppl. they have pictures of clothes from like every store! try it :)

    answer my question too! :)

  3. no!  

  4. They're not bad outfits, for your age.

    I actually really like the 2nd.

  5. I think its mean of your friend makes fun of you. Your outfits are not that bad but this is my opinions on your outfits!! I bet your hair is fine.

    First Outfit:

    -Super cute shirt :)

    -That tank does not match at all, you should use a tank without a pattern on it

    -The bottoms are ugly too sorry, you should go with something like a Bermuda short or some jeans.

    Second Outfit:

    Cute outfit :)

    Picture Day Outfit:

    I am not sure if this goes together or not. I don't think this is a good picture day outfit. I like the first shirt for picture day better.

    Fourth Outfit:

    Cute outfit :) This would also be a better choice for picture day.

    Ps. You should think about getting a polyvore

  6. uhhmmm it looks to me like ur some kind hippie....

  7. no they are ok

  8. yes i agree with your friends, you dress really bad!

  9. Well, your outfits can be really busy! They're colourful, and bright, but I wouldn't say they're awful. It's not my taste, but I really like the picture day outfit! :)  

  10. Your picture day outfit, does not match whatsoever!

  11. the outfits are a little funky & personally not my taste, but everyone's not going to dress the same. just be yourself. your friends shouldn't care what you wear because they're your friends. hope i helped [:

  12. no, they're cute, don't worry about it!

    and if you like them and they are comfortable, who cares what other people think.  

  13. i don't really like em


  14. Yeah......... ask ur friends for help, check fashion mags, people style watch mag and

    even ask ppl to make u an outfit on yahoo answers if u think its bad its def bad sorry not trying to be mean just being honest and tryin to help :)

  15. ummm the second outfit doesnt really match...

    and the bottoms for the first outfit look pretty grandmaish...

    and maybe lose the purple flip flops w/ the first outfit

    its not THAT bad

  16. not something i wear b/c i dont like a lot of details on my shirt. But i think its really cute, and i dont think ur friends should be commenting in a negative way about how u look. I'm sure some can pull of the artsy look. and i personally love the panda shirt, and the tree shirt. this is ur style, this is the way u express fashion, dont let anyone get to u!

  17. Weeellll...

    I wouldn't say that it's not a wee bit childish, and out of fashion, but it all depends on personal preference! :)

    P.S. NEVER wear horizontal stripes, they widen your torso!!

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