
Are my parent's too controlling? Or am I wrong?

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So I will be 18 in 1 month. For a year and a half now I have had my license, and for this time, my parents have supplied a car to me to use. It's not the greatest car, about 10 years 110k miles, but it gets me to my job which is fine for me, and I appreciate it. My job isn't the best paid job, as I am working for family. But recently I have been spending time with a group a friends that purely make me happy. I love every minute with them, but also recently my parents have been trying to leash me when it comes to every aspect of my life. They started giving me a curfew (which I have my senior license) with my car, which in accordance with the hours I work is a ridiculous curfew. I cannot drive past 10pm which I work til 11 pm most nights, and my friends do the same. This has left me little time to be able to see them. Also if I am out past 11 the exception being work, they threaten to take the car away and make me quit my job. Also, I must tell them where I am going, which is new, but they also quite often tell me no I can't go hang out with my friends. Quite frankly I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. They're absurd last minute before I'm 18 rules are driving my personal life into the ground, as I never have time to see my friends anymore. The catch 22 is, even though I will be 18 in a month, I still live under their roof, so I must abide by their rules. Do I have a right to be angry? The frustration is about to boil over, and I don't want to do anything I'll regret. Also I'm really attracted to this one girl, and I know she feels the same way, and that only adds to the anger that I can't see her. Please I need advice, am I wrong? Or are they being too controlling?




  1. your parents are worried about you.  invite your friends over to your house with you parent permission of course.  let your parents see that they are ok..  you should tell your parents where you are going.  its their right to know.  why the secret are you doing something wrong? if you co-operate with them it will be easier for you and them.  good luck

  2. Please google a short piece called Desiderata and read it. It has all the answers for both now & forever in it.

    Best wishes. uk

  3. Dude. I had the same problem. My family was super strict. What i did is i just broke some rules. i left anyways, hung out with whomever, started dating etc and it was tough and drama-filled. But now every things a lot more laid back and i can come and go as i please. My parents see me as an adult not a 12 yr old because i stood up for myself and made my own decisions. If you want you could always buy your own car so that they have no control over it because it is yours. So they cant really tell you when you can or can not go.  

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