
Are my parents cheap?

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i recently got into a car accident. we took it to the repair shop to get it fixed, after about a week the insurance company called and said that it was totaled and they would just pay us the market value for the car instead of paying to fix it. my dad then took the money that we recieved and bought a new car for himself. that just doesnt make sense because the 2 ways it couldve happened..

A) they repair the car and i get it back

B) they pay us for the car and we put the money towards another car for me

..obviously my father thought differently, because hes telling me that if i want another car i need to pay for it...are my parents cheap? or just illogical?




  1. Get a job and buy your own car then, and you'll find out it isn't cheap. In the meanwhile, grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

  2. an accident is when you knock over a plant stand or break a window playing baseball.

    you got in a wreck. and I'll assume since you don't say who's at fault that it was your fault.

    so I'd say no your parents are trying to teach you something.

    you can decide what that is.

  3. Let me get this straight.

    They gave you a car, you wrecked it.

    Now you want them to give you another?


    They are making you live with the consequences of your actions.

    Which is a very loving thing to do!

  4. I guess you need to start saving your money.  You wrecked the car they gave you, now you have no car.  They aren't cheap or illogical.  They are letting you grow up, and take responsibility for your actions.  Good for them!

  5. sounds to me like your folks are pretty smart.

    Where is it written in the parent handbook that they owe you a car?

  6. Sorry, it makes perfect sense.

    You probably were under your parents' insurance plan, so the money belongs to your dad (they are the ones paying the insurance since they are the main policy holders) I think they just want you learn how to be responsible. So, if you want to fix that car or get another one, find a job (if you are old enough to get a drivers license, then you are probably old enough to get a part time job) and pay for it.  

  7. Uh.. its their money..they can do what they want with it...if you want a one....they are not cheap ,,just trying to make you responsible for your own ride.... get over it.

    They sound completely logical to me.

  8. whos car was it again. who was the one that payed for it again.. sounds to me as you had your chance to drive a free car but blew it so buy one and stop crying .. i didnt buy my kids a car my parents didnt buy me one.. when you buy one your self you will learn how to take care of it.. grow up  

  9. Sounds like you are just a whining, spoiled brat.

    They gave you the first one, and you wrecked it.  When they didnt buy you the second one, you call them cheap and illogical?  Makes perfect sense to me.

    Your accident is undoubtedly on THEIR insurance.  Guess who pays for the increase?  

    Grow up - be responsible.  Get a job and buy your own car.  I bet that you take better care of it when you do.  Then thank your parents for their first-round of generosity, and apologize for mistreating their gift.  Show them you can man-up and get one on your own.

  10. I think as parents go, they are pretty good. First, did they give you the first car, were you using it or buying it from them? If you had money into the car , then yes he could have helped you get another.  But if you were just using one of their cars, then you are a mooch. Not to say this isn't your parents fault. It is. They raised you to think you are entitled to get things handed over to you. In the real world, you have to pay your own way. You might as well get use to it right now, swallow that big lump in your throat and look for a second job, get a bike, carpool, buy a motorcycle or any number of ways to get on your own two feet. Speaking of which, you could walk everywhere.  My son chose this instead of using a vehicle. Proving he is smart and never late.
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