
Are my parents right to say that I will amount "to nothing"?

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I am 16 and this holiday break from school, I have been a little bit lazy and I have been sleeping late and having a bit of fun.

My parents say that I am going to be a nobody they say that I am never going to be able to find work and be someone. Just because this month I have been resting from school and exams.

Heres the irony I am the only hardworking child they have the rest have no education, no manners no jobs and no nothing

I am the only one who actaully achieved something decent and the only one with ambition

So why are they saying these things to me




  1. My parents used to tell me the same things.  But as I grew up I realized that they just said that stuff to try and push me a little harder to be better.  Granted it's not the best way to encourage someone but it's often the easiest.

  2. It is possible that your parents run down everyone in this way and that your siblings have followed the script written for them.

    make sure you dont follow suit - keep working at your education and get yourself a good life - not to get compliments from your parents but for yourself.

  3. I don't know why parents would say something like that to their child. Even if you were doing something wrong they should be supportive and try to get you to be positive and believe in yourself. There is nothing wrong with having some fun and resting during the summer, that's what it's for! Just surround yourself with people that are positive and believe in you and try not to let them get to you. Work hard and be successful and prove them wrong.  

  4. No they aren't right to say that.

    But don't let then discourage u.

    On the other hand they probably feel that way because they have been disappointed before.

    Don't let them get to u and prove them wrong.

  5. They're probably judging you based on your siblings.  

    Prove them wrong.  :-D

  6. Maybe because they're trying to get you to be more active.  Maybe they're afraid that you'll keep "resting from school and exams" for the rest of your life.  Or maybe they were just in a bad mood.  Either way, I don't think it was right of them to say that.  Just keep working hard.  Good luck.

  7. lol ur brown right? i understand..thats how brown parents ARE lol my av was 90 but they still bother the **** out of me they just dont want u 2 fail because when they came to this country they didnt have **** and they dont want u 2 go through the same thing .. trust me there doing it for ur well being even though it feels harsh.

  8. They are jealous of your ambitions because they never fulfilled any dreams of their own.

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