
Are my parents to blame?

by  |  earlier

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I find my panic disorder is aggravated, when I travel with my parents, because when we get lost, my father only gets aggressive, and argumentative, rather than calmly, rechecking a map. As a result, I stay away from trips with my parents. This experience was particularly exacerbated by an overseas trip I had, where I had the experience of being stranded. However I miss travelling with my parents, whom, really, I love, deep down.




  1. Maybe

    But you can "fix it" go see somebody and be in control

  2. your panic disorder is probably caused environmentaly or it may be heriditary. you mentioned that your dad turns on the aggressive side when you get lost while travelling. i consider aggrssion a sign of panicking so probably, when you father becomes argumentative, he too, is panicking like you.

    so are your parents to blame?

    i have a mom who acts the way your dad acts too and she makes me panic most of the time. so technically, yes, i think your parents are to blame the way i believe that my mom is to blame for my oftentimes jerky tendencies. but panicking is involuntary. and so in a way, it depends on how you perceive the whole situation and everything boilds down to the nature of the person--in your case, your father. he may be aggrssive naturally. or aggression may be his coping strategy to his own panicky feelings.

  3. Quit whining and feel the blessing of being able to travel, not to mention that you are also blessed with parents...Wake up and appreciate the moment and splendor of life.  The world does not need any more negative energy....

  4. Yeah some times we cant talk to people about their behavior. They just simply dont want to. Instead we should be understanding and become sophisticated to handle them. Its tough to handle those situations because he is your father. When logic doesnt work with him, tell him freely that you dont like travelling or whatever because of this and that. Parents though they are hot at the moment will understand that and try to change accordingly. Try to be open to them and that will solve the problem.

    And more importantly, your parents should not be blamed. Because they have their own problems and in their position you would do the same.

  5. I don't think getting lost has anything to do with your father getting angry.  He probably has "displaced anger" and takes it out on those closest to him for any little reason.  Next time you are lost, tell him you have to get a coke or go to the restroom...and during that stop, ask someone to help you.  Family vacations should be fun and happy times.  The next time you are invited to go, maybe that can be your time to talk to him about his behavior.  You can say you are not interested in going and then explain the reason why.  Or, before leaving for your next vacation, try and get more information and directions on your destinations beforehand.  Or, suggest doing "tour" things with a guide.  But sounds like a lot of hard work to try and make your vacations fun and happy.  Hopefully one day you can talk to him...if not, maybe put it in a letter.

  6. Well if your Dad just gets mad because he is lost, that's not fair on you. Try talking to him about it. If you really do love him like you  say you do, you will be able to sort it out.

  7. well, for me, you must have an open-forum in ur family 'cause it really helps each one of u to understand each other and have a better relationship.

  8. i dont think they are all to blame. my mom gets mad like your dad when we go on trips too.   just when your in the ca with her tell her to pull over at a rest stop or on the side of the road so she has more time to calm dow, read a map, and think about where she is,  so try to go on trips with them and it will be ok. and being lost isnt so bad when you are.  its a new expierence and you get to learn about new paklces.  hope this helps!

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