
Are my pictures any good???

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me if there is something I should improve on.




  1. there good!

    you have captured the main point and made it stand it which is good!

    you take pictures of good things too [:

  2. the first one is great!

    #2 is too washed out, the insect doesn't really stand out.

    #3 needs to be focused on one main thing, i don't know where to look!

    you photography is amazing and you have great potential!

    I edited your photos for you!

    #1 didn't need to be edited! =]



    you are a great photographer!

  3. IN MY OPINION.....

    First one.....A little amateur...Anybody really could take that picture..

    Second one.....I love it....I dont think that theres room for improvement on that one....

    Third one......Very abstract.....Very good....There isnt a very high level of difficulty but it catches my attention..

  4. the second one is the best framed.

  5. I didn't enjoy the first one of the flowers but I like the dragon fly photo and the tree photo could be really cool but you need to work on lighting and angels.

  6. I really like them. Especially how you focused on a scene of a particular thing, then blurred behind it. They look great!

  7. They are REALLY good.  My favorite is the second one.  Keep it up! :)

  8. i answered this once and yahoo went on break and i don't see my answer, it was rather long

    i'll comment on the dragonfly:

    the bokeh is good, the way the background i softened way back brings out the subject of the dragonfly.  however i think it is too centered, and the wings are as light as the background so tend to get lost. if you can shade the background slightly that may help.

    it is refreshing to see a questioner that appreciates honesty.  

  9. They are beautiful !

  10. really good

    the thing i would suggest is ls learning how to crop in an interesting way and find interesting things to take pictures of :)

    good luck!

  11. The flower image is good, i would photoshop it a bit.. color correct, darken the greens  and so on.

    The dragonfly is a good concept, background to distracting i would us photoshop to blur it.. but check your depth of field before you take the image too. And it's alittle blown out.. use photoshop to adjust the levels abit.

    Tree branch image is good.. try an infered or black and white action to make it pop..

    Keep it up.

  12. i think they r really good

  13. yeah they are...but a bit boring.  

  14. YES  

  15. Love them. o.o

    How'd you get that dragonfly shot?

    Yeah, they're very good. (: I think I like the last one the most. Maybe try some photos of things other than nature?

  16. no... ever heard of the rule of thirds? (look it up) what about DOF?

    ok blossom photo? what are we supposed to be looking at? we dont need to see everything in one go... select a blossom, and shoot it sharp.. without lots of sky as a distraction...

    the dragonfly is sharp, but why is it hanging in the middle of the frame? do we want to see lots of out of focus grassland? this would have been much better if you cropped the image and punched the contrast...

    cross trees?

    heres a tip; you have arms and legs and knees and elbows for a reason. try bending down, rotating the camera, dont just put it to your eye and press the button... everyone does that... try to be different, and youll see it in your images.

    im sorry if you think im a miserable old sod... but i teach photograhy, and i figured youd rather have the truth... so you can do something about it and improve your skills. and it doesnt happen overnight, ive been doing this for 30 years... any my beginnings were FAR worse...


  17. I like them, however there isn't anything "WOW" about them.. The angles are good.

    I don't know its just like something is missing from them..  

    I think the last one would love really nice in sepia too.

  18. these are mediocre at best

  19. Wow! These pictures are amazing! Are you professional?

    My favorite one is of the dragonfly. It is so awesome that you got that perfect shot, of a beautiful creature.

    I love all the other shots, the lighting you have is beautiful.

    Sorry, I have no improvements, you are a great photographer.



  20. its a good for a beginner .. practice more.... i assume with the 18-250mm.. there's a lot for you to discover...  

  21. they are really good, you know how to capture things, and make them stand out, i would suggest to go for things that are a bit more exciting. but other than that your photography is great

  22. I really like them..

    I think you should try to make a panoramic shot.. looks good!

  23. The only one I liked was the insect (wahtever it is).

    Keep up the good work

  24. Yea they are really good.

  25. Hot d**n! You could make money doing this!

  26. Those pictures are actually pretty good,

    I guess you can improve the focus on your subject in the 1st and second picture, and maybe adjust the lighting a bit on the 3rd with photoshop or something.

  27. i like them, but I think you need to look at more good images and study about composition and lighting.  Keep practicing though!

  28. first one is great... well framed and focused

    second one... well focused however the lighting could be worked on as it makes part of the wings un-seeable

    third one... not my cup of tea... to many different depths in the shot so non of it seems focused propoally

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