
Are my rats sick?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i've had my rat's a month and one of them sneez's alot

and her face fur is brown and looks pale her eyes look a little

red and one looks puffy and smaller whats wrong is it a respertorry infectshion? yes i'm taking her to the vet Aug 23 D:

please help




  1. I don't actually think rats can get colds, it doesn't sound too bad however so I'm sure it can wait until the vet visit.

    What type of bedding do you keep her on. If it is anything dusty/wood related you should change it to something paper based e.g. Carefresh.

    Visit for more information about Rats, they will answer pretty much any question.

  2. your pet has a cold your vet should recemmend an anitiobotic and your pet will get better soon

  3. It's possible she has a respiratory infection, yes. You should get a much earlier appointment than August 23, that's quite a while away and her condition could get much worse by then.

  4. You need to take her to the vet way before Aug 23.  It sounds like she has a respiratory infection and needs vet care.  Rats with respiratory infections need antibiotics to get better.

    If she is puffed up and looks like she has lost weight then she is very sick.  Rats hide signs of illness until they are very ill, so the fact that she looks sick means she needs a vet right away.
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