
Are my reasons valid for leaving?

by Guest63334  |  earlier

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i started my job nine months ago. I asked for my contract of employment, they refused to give me one saying nobody else has one so why should i get one, i have been asking for one for nine months.

I have tried to find out how many holidays i am entitled to, they tell me they will have to find out for me, then never let me know. put it this way, i have used 6 days in the last nine months.

i booked 4 days off months ago, then when i got back i only got paid for two days, my boss told me to prove that the other two days weren't sick days! when i got back from the four days off, someone asked me if i was planning on going on holiday this year, my boss walked passed and said that i have used my holidays up for this year...

they then messed my wages up in a big way, i basically got a letter from my bank saying my boss was taking a weeks wage out of my account, boss denied this, bank did investigation and traced money to my boss. three months later he admits he paid me a bounced cheque, i finally got the money back last week.

my boss decided to book ten days off work, left me with no cover, i basically had to do his job as well as mine, and if i am honest i really need a break now, it wore me down, i have zero energy, so i went in today and asked my boss if i could book 4 days off at the end of september, he said no chance, there was nobody to cover me. (bear in mind i am unable to take any holidays in december at all so i would have to take the rest of my holidays in oct/nov or i will lose them).

i am never able to go to the doctors, they always say no, i have missed 2 hospital appointments, smear tests, etc, it doesn't matter what it is i cant go. the worst thing was months ago my doctor thought i had a tumur and told me i may need an operation, boss told me i couldnt go to the hospital as there was no cover.

i get my wage slip weeks aftI'm i was paid (im paid wwage slip got a wageslip from feb last week! i cant keep up with it, i have to go back months to look at bank statements to see if i got paid (it really is that bad, they have a habit of either not paying, or paying twice and leaving it for months before taking it back)

i am handing in my notice tomorrow, i just wanted to know from you, is what i described normal? am i doing the right thing? would you leave?




  1. Just the simple fact that your wage slip doesn't arrive before you are paid is a breach of the law. You should also complain to the FSA that your bank allowed someone to debit your account without your written consent (eg no standing order or direct debit mandate between you and your employer??). Get to the Citizens Advice Bureau (on your employers time, you are owed holiday by law!!), life is too short to deal with idiots like this. Missing important medical appointments is a step too far... Good luck

  2. This is not normal at all. You are doing the right thing as you are being mistreated badly by your employer. Yes i would leave but i suggest you get legal advice before you do anything else and thn you will know if the law can protect you. Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau for more help as they will be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck and i hope this helps.

  3. You're being treated very badly and your own feelings are telling you what to do imo.

    He is a bad boss and wont change, if you stay it wiil be more of the same.

    You sound like a nice person but a bit of a doormat, your self respect will get a boost by saying 'I deserve better than this.'

  4. Nope.

    They are horribly mistreating someone who has proven to be a good employee. You put up with a lot and by all means have every fricken right in the world to leave. To be honest, just flat being unhappy at work is a reason to quit any job.

    What you do need to do is report all of this. Some of it you might not be able to prove, like them telling you no days off, because unless its on paper they can just say you never asked for them.  

  5. You are entitled to 28 days paid holiday each year, as u started 9 months ago u should be able to take 3 weeks now. It sounds a dodgy company. I would just walk but if u need the cash stay n look for another

  6. It sounds like your boss is a complete a*se. Not only is your reasons valid for leaving but if I were in your shoes I would actually talk to a solicitor or someone similar about this. The fact that you have also missed doctors appointments (possible tumour) is really shocking. Never let this idiot put your health at risk. I'm sure you will find another job were you won't be treated as a dogsbody.

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