
Are my teeth yellowy?

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Somebody suggested that I get my teeth whitened.. I was offended and I think thats kinda rude.. but what do you think?




  1. They're kind of yellow. I dont mean to offend, but maybe you should try crest whitening strips and toothpaste with baking soda in it.  

  2. I think that they are a little bit yellow, but they aren't that bad.

    Could be the picture too.

    Don't let people get to you, they are probably just jealous of you in some way. :)

    will you help me with mine?

  3. They are not bad. They're not super white, but they're not yellow. That was very rude for someone to tell you that. My teeth were kinda like yours too, until I used crest white strips. They helped brighten my smile a little.

    By the way, your smile is gorgeous! =]

  4. ur teeth, in my opinion, are not yellow enough to be offended by. i mean, u shouldn't have been offended there not that bad they're OK..........a weeny itsy bitsy yellowISH and im not saying that to make u better..its true..really :)

  5. a little but don't let it bother you, i know it probably will but just ignore what that person told you they probably were jealous of you and that's all they had to say to you since they couldn't find anything else wrong with you.

  6. They are not really yellow. Just a bit. Not to be rude at all.=]

  7. yea.

    but then agenn everyones teeth are slightly yellow ,unless they are constantly whitening them.

    im going to whiten mine.


  8. No they're fine, there's no harm in having them whitened though, but it'd be a waste of money for you. You have pretty good teeth!

  9. Crest Whitestrips classic.

    EDIT: Who is the nugget head that gave me a thumbs down? sorry, but im not trying to please anyone, im just giving a straight up honest answer . nuff   said.

  10. You can maybe try a Toothbrush and toothpaste for once.  

  11. honestly,

    my opinion is yes. whiten them. crest whitestrips work soooo well.

    they arent terrible or anything. but you have such great teeth & they would look 100 times better more white.

    =) hope my opinion helped

  12. A little bit not bad though. Maybe just get that mouth wash that whitens your teeth.

  13. theyre a little yellow but not like THAT yellow. i wouldnt really recommend a teeth whitening. just some good ol' advanced whitening toothpaste and brushing them atleast 3x's a day. :)


  14. yellow is natural

  15. Honestly, they're not blindingly white, but are by no means yellowy. You've got an average american level of whiteness.

  16. your teeth are sorta yellow. it's not like their terrible. just like try to find extra whitening toothpaste and mouthwash. worked for me!  

  17. Kinda of.. It's kinda buttery you can grab a knife scrape it over your teeth and spread over toast. And your teeth will be white

  18. Maybe you should brush your teeth..

    Wuts with the thumbs down? Her teeth are yellow and if they get brushed, they'll be white..

  19. get them whitened before its tooo late.

  20. You have great teeth but there little yellow...Get crest white strips.

  21. They're alright, but they're a BIT yellowy . Whitening stuff wouldn't hurt .

  22. Yeah  alittle. but DONT whiten your teeth. It somethimes makes them look REALLY bad.

    I would suggest you use crest whitening strips.

    They work good.

  23. get some crest whitestrips.

  24. ud probly look better if u whitened just a tad bit i mean u have very nice teeth tho!

  25. Use a whitining toothpaste. It's not so bad as to get the procedure done. You could by white strips, they are just kindof expensive.

  26. We could all use a teeth whitener from time to time.  Your teeth don't look too bad.  Btu, could use it before it does.

  27. Well my teeth are much worse. Sometimes getting your teeth whitened makes them look too white and unnatural. Try Listerine Whitening Strips before you think about getting them whitened. You have pretty teeth and they look natural, they really aren't that yellow.

    I think most people are insecure about their teeth. =]

  28. No!!!

    They are teeth coloured!!!

    you are very pretty too

    (not just trying to get best answer - it's my honest opinion)

  29. Some peoples teeth are naturally yellow a dentist told my ex aunt

  30. No, they aren't. I mean your teeth could be a little whiter and that would make them perfect! Sorry about that, but don't listen to them.

  31. They look fine to me. Some people's teeth are so white they are almost blue! Not quite sure how they manage that!

    Whitening toothpaste can damage your tooth enamel so don't go crazy with it. Ask you dentist about different options.
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