
Are my times good?

by Guest64511  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and I swim year round,

My time for 50 free is 35.09 my 50 back time is 40.31 and my 100 IM time is 1:32.00




  1. Well, I guess they are okay. Just keep on loving the sport and working hard!

  2. those are pretty good some people on my high school have worse times than that. mine are 33.53, 34.28, and 1:29.04 in the order you have them. i beat a lot of people with those times so...

  3. It really depends on what you consider fast. I'm 13 and on a yer around swim team too. If you want to seethe top times for your area try going on Swim Connection, sign up for an account and then click on top results, that will show you the fastest people in your area, another thing to look at is the section called time standards, in swimming there are standards for your times like a BB time or an A time. Good Luck, and Keep Swimming!!
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