
Are my to old to become a pro boxer im 23 done loads of trainin in boxin should i do it or leave it.?

by  |  earlier

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ive done alot of boxing trainin in the past but only for fitness i realy believe i could make it big time but have i left it to late and would i make it into the olympics any old boxers tha could give me some advice..




  1. Go for it! :D

  2. you could compete in local competitions and get your name mentioned in your city paper, soon build yourself up and be known over your state, and hopefully someone will notice you as a terrific athlete.

    Or you could also Try contacting a highly noticed sporting trainer

    ... thats all i got to say, good luck!!

  3. you'll be competeing against people who have boxed since they were 5 but its not unheard of.

  4. Some of the best boxers were still boxing, to their late 30's. Have a fight, see how you go than think about it, if you don't try you will be wondering for the rest of your life, If you get beaten that will be ok because at least you step in the ring and gave it your best and you can always be proud of that. so just do it

  5. you can never no what can happen. just go for it

  6. You can make big tim get more training and keep going try to get an agent on the line and look up some boxing gyms and ask ppl abou the olympics and in 4 years try to make the olympic trails.

    Good Luck!!!

  7. Come to Dublin and work in the fairgrounds my son.

  8. Go for it lad

    go to the right place , and get recognised , you will make it , and if you do ill support you. (:

  9. You're only 23. You can make it.  Watch, look at you in a year, you'll be thanking me for this advice.  ^^ My grandfather used to be a boxer.  He trained with some famous boxer guy, and got his nose broken, but apparently he was rly good.  ^^  GOOD LUCK!!!

  10. what you really believe in is that you could punch a hole through the door but you would never stand a chance against a pro. gym training

    is OK for the ordinary Joe, but put him in front of a pro and there will be a KO. IE a bag doesn't fight back

  11. DO IT! Never give up until your forced to, if you give up now you will regret it for the rest of your life

    In the UFC (MMA) some fighters go on professionally until they are in their 40's!

  12. You're gonna die.

  13. have you actually done any ring work, i.e been in amateur fights, if not then i would definitely say no. Most young boxers start that way and work up. Check out your local boxing club and ask them but i really think that at 23 if you have not had any real fights as an amateur then its doesn't seem likely.

    Its one thing to do training quite another to actually fight in the ring.

  14. If you've got the passion and commitment to give it all you've got then go for it! Take Audley Harrison for example. I think ( don't quote me! ) he was about 27/28 when he won his Gold medal at Sydney and went on to have a (mixed) professional career. If you get the right trainer for you and do an intensive training program then you never know. Your going to have to excel at Amateur before a promoter comes knocking at your door but if you could qualify for the Olympics, that would be the exposure you need to make it. This is by no means an easy task for anyone to achieve as all top athletes are basically 'freaks of nature' as they are in the higher echelons of their particular sport. Having said that, worse comes to the worst and you fail at qualifying for 2012, you've hopefully had a lot of fun trying ( as if you don't enjoy your Boxing you shouldn't consider turning Pro but I'm sure you do ), you will be in great shape physically and maybe you could train others in Boxing and hopefully one day one of your Boxers is a greater success then you were? Wishing you the best of luck with your aspirations and let me know how you get on

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