
Are my two boas the same breed?

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i have two red tail is light grey and with brown marking and a little pinkish tint to it under his belly..........and my other boa is dark grey with brown markings.....with tints of red all down his spine......they are totally different.....if i knew how to put a pic on i would........but are they the same breed ....can pattern and color can vary that much....because they look really different




  1. Yes they are more than likely both red tails in fact I have a 5ft female and a 6ft male right here in my living room and they couldnt be more different. one is the light color and the other is dark as you described yours.

    these are all red tails see how they vary and this isn't all of  them.

  2. Yes they can vary in color. I recommend going to

    Wonderful website. Look under the collections and view the "normal" species of red-tails. You will notice there is several different color combinations. My red tails are the same way. My female is a grayish with red tail and pink underbelly and my mail is dark.

    Hope this helps!

  3. The one with the pink on the belly is a Central American RTB and the other sounds like a Colombian RTB. The Central American will most likely grow 9-13 feet, while the Colombian will be about 5-8 feet. I hope this helps.  

  4. If you bought from a reputable dealer probably, the red tail boa does have some variation in color

  5. Sorry but to hard to tell.

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