
Are nations "large tribes"?

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Are nations "large tribes"?




  1. I think we belong to "small" tribes consisting of family and friends.  In the United States  we have so many diverse cultural influences and identities (unlike a country like Japan that remain largely homogeneous).  I believe tribal members know one another and interact in social ways.  Apart from small towns, most of us scarcely know our neighbors, let alone treat one another as being in the same tribe.  Our ancestry and nationality are not the only things that keep us from being a true "tribe".  I do believe we have a cultural identity as a nation (although, once again, we have numerous subcultures), but I believe tribes to be more personal.  I think there was even a David Attenboro (spelling?) show about called Urban Tribes some years ago that explained the concept of tribes within nations.

  2. Yes i would assume so but then when you think about it wouldn't that also qualify us as a cult?

  3. No.

    Read LEVIATHAN by Hobbes.

    Nations could be viewed as a collection of many large tribes operating for a single purpose as a larger being.

  4. there are nations , tribes, bands, clans, families, individuals.or actually the other way around.

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