
Are natural brush fires good at all?

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i used to live near the everglades where there are many brush fires. is there any thing "good" about natural brush fires?




  1. yes, most any non man caused fire is good for the environment. These fires clean out areas filled with dead brush and grasses opening them up for new growth that will provide food and habitat for wildlife.  The problems we have with wildland fires are mostly caused by man, we have in many areas prevented these natural occuring fires from doing their job sometimes for well over 100 years (remember the Yellowstone fires?) and fuel simply built up until it was out of control.

  2. Since they were occurring millions of years ago, and we still have some "virgin, old growth" forests left to protect, what do you think?

  3. Yes, fires are triggered by naturally by lightning however they are now prevented by overbearing forest services constantly putting them out.  Fires clear the brush and in coniferous forests such as the everglades brush the high heat triggers the seeding of many of the trees - it is necessary for them to propagate.  The ash from fire also acts as very fertile carbon soil for the new growth to come up in.  Fire was around long before the humans arrive and it is a necessary force in the shaping of our environments and planet.

  4. Brush fires are good in some areas where they are meant to be.  They are natural and prevent worse forest fires.  Brush fires clear away the brush and dead plants from the ground.  But when brush fires are stopped, then when a fire does stop, the fire is much bigger and causes more damage because there is more stuff to burn.  Also, some seeds of some plants only grow after being burned, so fires help to spread a new wave of life for the ecosystem.

  5. It depends on your point of view. Natural brush fires are what maintain grasslands by not allowing woody vegetation to take over. The grass comes back fairly quickly after a fire.

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